“I just got over a thousand hits with the past hour!”
“I can beat that.”
“You have a website?”
“No but I can hit!”
*Daria closes door and hitting sounds can be heard*
‘Marge, my loyal wife…and Lisa, my little princess…and who could forget dear Rat Boy?’
‘Rat Boy? I resent that.’
‘Bart I told you before stop gnawing on the drywall!’
*Toot happily skips into the kitchen with Clara’s scalp and hair attached to her head*
“Wow, Toot! You look great! Have you lost weight?”
*Clara screams off screen and comes running in without her hair*
“Wow, Clara, you look awful. Have you gained weight?”
“No! That fat cow stole my hair!”
“I didn’t steal it. I just woke up and found it attractively stapled to my head.”
*Gumball, Anaise and Richard are smashing free sample cakes with hammers on a plate when Anaise stops*
“Isn’t this wrong to do?”
“Of course not! They’re free samples!”
*Continues to smash the cake*