Ecolo: C'mon Ringo, I wanna see you smile!
Ringo: Stay back, Ecolo! *runs offscreen, ecolo following*
*Gleeful laughter*
Ringo: ECOLO! Why do you gotta do things we can't even show to the audience!?
(i paraphrased it because I didn't remember the exact conversation.)
Also, have this one, also from puyo puyo tetris 2:
Ess: Did I do good, Papa?
Zed: Yes. You are a very good girl, Ess.
Ess: *A squeal so pure and childlike, reminiscent of a simpler time to which we can never return*
“I just passed Mort in his cubicle. I think he’s dead!”
“Yeah. I noticed that yesterday.”
“And you didn’t say anything?! Were you thinking ‘He’s just as dead tomorrow and someone else can do the paperwork?!’ Wait. That’s pretty good thinking.”
“I was proud of it.”
‘Well, look at the wonders of the computer age now!’
‘Wonders, Lisa? Or blunders?’
‘I think that was implied by what I said.’
‘Implied, Lisa? Or implode?’
That’s the fifth family of them who’ve moved here. Seems like all of a sudden South Park is being overrun with those types.
Hey, what are you saying? What “types?”
You know, those types. Rich people.
I don’t take kindly to rich folk. Neither does Ned. I remember back in the day, rich folk weren’t allowed in South Park. Now they’re moving here in droves!
They’re gonna be sending their kids to our schools, and mixing them with our pure non-rich kids!
Oh yeah, and it won’t be long till they drive all of us poor underachieving people out of town with inflated real estate costs.
Sweet gorilla of Manila! A letter from the Central Bureaucracy! *reads the letter* “Attention, Hermes Conrad. You are about to receive a letter from the Central Bureaucracy.” *another letter comes through and he checks it* My God! It’s from the Central Bureaucracy!
“Thank you Girls for catching the bad guys but now you need to go back to jail for breaking out in the first place!”
*The Powerpuff Girls and Mayor start laughing when the Mayor suddenly stops and looks sternly at the Girls who also stop laughing*
“I’m serious.”