The out of context quotes thread

Why did you boys do all this?

We just wanted you to be proud of us.

Proud of you? You ruined us with sleazy business practices and a complete disregard for human decency. Of course we’re proud of you.
Ooh, a punchbowl like that just screams good taste. Wouldn’t it be perfect for the dinner party?

Aw, we can’t afford that. Who do you think I am, Liz Taylor?

Well, maybe we could use it once and then return it.

Marge, we’re not talking about a toothbrush here.
Dyffryn Thebwys. It was a town in Wales that had stood proudly for a thousand years until the English, deliberately flooded it.
Oh my God, to drown everybody?
No, to make a reservoir. They needed water! So they built a dam and that flooded Dyffryn Thebwys, and all the people lost their homes.
My God, countless thousands of them!
Well, 48.
No, just 48. You know, four dozen.
So now they're all homeless?
Well, no. They were compensated, so they got new houses somewhere else and well, in many cases, much nicer ones.
"All right, I know one joke. Um, there's a mollusk, see? And he walks up to a sea... well, he doesn't walk up, he swims up.
Well, actually, the mollusk isn't moving, he's in one place. And then the sea cucumber, well, they... I'm mixed up.
There was a mollusk and a sea cucumber. None of them were walking, so forget that..."
“Aren’t you sad that you don’t have a real beard like an adventurer?”
“I never said you needed a beard to be an adventurer. Beards are for ladies!”
*Line of bearded men are angrily glaring at K’nuckles and Flapjack*
“Gig’s up ladies. These man suits ain’t fooling anyone.”
*Bearded men rip off their manly exterior to reveal dresses underneath and walk away*
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“My name is Ms. Leading. As you know, I just recently moved here to Stormalong Harbor… Captain K’nuckles, what are you doing?”
*K’nuckles is shirtless in front of a tank with hermit crabs in it and flexing*
“Thought I’d flex my muscles in front of your hermit crab collection.”
“Anyway my husband and I are happy to have moved here….”
“I’m outta here….”
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“Did you touch my drum set?!”

“Hey, knock it off!”

I know you touched my drum STICK. 'Cause the left one has a chip in it!”

“Are you effing crazy, man?! You sound insane. Do you realize that?! You should be medicated!”

“I know you touched my drum set, and I wanna hear that dirty little mouth admit it!”

*Linus is holding a baseball bat with dents in it and yelling at Snoopy who looks very sad and hurt*
“Why would you chew on my brand new baseball bat?! Couldn’t you find a nice stick to chew on?! You just had to chew on my bat! You’re a bad dog!”
*Lucy walks by Linus and Snoopy*
“Snoopy didn’t chew on your bat. I was hitting rocks with it.”
*Linus looks embarrassed and holds out the bat to Snoopy*
“Heh heh. Wanna have a bite?”
*An extremely angry Snoopy baring teeth is now chasing Linus*
Zoidberg, you set us free! I feel like I could stand to hug you! I can’t, but you know what I’m trying to say.