The out of context quotes thread

“I’m not Floyd. I’m Hubert.”
“Oh we are so happy to see you again!”
*Bender looks uncomfortable*
“This probably isn’t the best time to tell you guys this but a couple of years ago a drifter came by and said he was the Professor’s brother Floyd and I….”
“Stop making this about you, Bender!”
*Bender looks sad*
"You cannnnnn do annyyythinnnnng,

it's in a book,

just take a look,

it's a reading Rambo!"

*All of a sudden Rambo appears with a gnarly motorcycle and a book in his hands*

"Hey there, kids. It's me, Rambo. You know, as much as I love jumping out of places while they explode and intense CGI effects, what I love even more is reading. Reading opens to the door to so many more worlds and ways of thought. It is truly one of the greatest gifts to mankind. So when you're thinking about what to do next, go pick up a book, and read."

*The video ends*

"So, what do you guys think?"

"'re fired."
We here at Eggman’s Incredible Interstellar Amusement Park consider ourselves the universe’s first fully green amusement park. Although the green is from all the nausea and vomiting, but still, green is green.

There’s no line at “Bake Me Crazy,” the ride that simulates what it’s like to be baked like a cake. The ride itself lasts an amazing 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown. Not recommended for our guests who are sensitive to temperatures exceeding 350 degrees.
Attention, the anti-gravity toilets on this level are out of order. We are sorry for this inconvenience and hope you can hold it for another 20,000 light years.
Just a reminder, please refrain from pushing buttons on the starship. Occasionally one might jettison you into space. If this happens, your next-of-kin will be billed for the replacement hatch.
Water you waiting for? Climb aboard the Exotic Aquarium for a boatload of- Argh, who writes this drivel?!

You do, boss.

Oh, you’re right, I do! Ha ha, I’m hilarious!