The out of context quotes thread

In the unlikely event of an emergency, please find the nearest escape pod. For anyone not named Eggman, your escape pod can be found back at the planet still being assembled in the factory.
The space sickness you will eventually get is not the responsibility of Eggman’s Incredible Interstellar Amusement Park or its subsidiaries. Send any complaints to the inventor of space. Thank you.
*Pickles in the car patting something*
“As soon as we get home, baby, you and Mommy will spend some quality time together.”
*Zoom out to show a 6 pack of vodka with a seat belt securing it in the passenger seat. Pickles then drives off and a cut of Beth being left behind in the parking lot is seen*
“Oh boy….”
"Imagine a world where Hitler was still alive..."

"Today on Hitler, we'll be talking with Hollywood hunk, Christian Slater!"

"Now, tell me, in your next movie, we get to see your butt."

"Ahahah, yes-yes you do."

"Can we see it right now?"

"Well, uhhh, alright, Hitler."


"If you live in the Los Angeles area and would like tickets to Hitler, call 213-DU WERDEST EINE KRANKENSCHWESTER BRAUCHEN!"
“Now we will begin the word association section of the test….”
“Mr Duckman, we haven’t even begun!”
*Fluffy and Uranus look at each other in confusion*
“Dolly Parton.”
“Bad hair. Next!”
"I was going to tell you the story of what happened. So basically, when I was inside the Uber driver--"

*brief pause while nothing is said*

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."

"SORRY, I meant when I was inside the Uber car."

"Hey! Phrasing!"

(my friend and I a year or two ago)
Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, because there are tiny asteroids travelling at incredible speeds, hurtling through space. Keeping your hands and feet in the car won’t prevent you from being hit, but our lawyers tell us we have to say it anyway.