The out of context quotes thread

“I’m very interested in coffins.”
“I watched the Nightmare Before Christmas and it wasn’t scary at all.”
“When can we eat turkey?”
“What does the inside of a turkey look like?”
“You can snap and I can whistle! Huh!”
“I want a painting board, white paper, and all kinds of Christmas stuff!”
“Is this the inside of a turkey?”
“I LOVED A Monster in Paris.”
“Do you want to do gymnastics in the basement?”
“When Stanley puts on The Mask, he says, “Smokin’!” and “It’s party time!”
—my little cousin at Thanksgiving
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“HAHAHA that was so funny the last time I heard that I fell off my DINOSAUR!”

“You and your mom are hillbillies. This is a house of learned doctors.”

“You better stay still, because tonight I’m putting a rat trap between your legs.”

“Why are you so sweaty?”
“I was watching Cops.”

“I swear to God, I will stab you in the neck with a knife!”

“If ya want to get down on these hairy balls,
then why don't you jump right in?
Its a crotch party right up in here,
so why don't you lick on this big john!”

“Did we just become best friends?”
“Do you want to go do karate in the garage?”
"Look! The police are visiting! If you do one bad thing then they are gonna take you away forever better be on your best behavior 😏"
*Traumatic flashbacks to when he got put in jail for like 72 hours for attempted minor theft and vandalism*
"Oh no... Oh man.. I ain't going back there again no way no how.... Check ya later guys!"
*Screaming and running, hurls himself into nearby McDonald's trashcan*
"Jeez what's his problem??"
“Your voice is like a combination of Fergie and Jesus.”

“Screw you, creepo!”

“Don’t these birds look like candy, you know? Like flying candy?”

“This is my office and my beat laboratory.”

“If God didn’t want us to eat animals, he wouldn’t have made them out of meat.”

“This might sound weird, but for a second I think you took on the shape of a unicorn.”
Things I said (black is me)

"Pikmin can't eat, they drink pee."

"Uhh what?"
"Nothing! I was doing the Louie Pikmin 2 challenge."

"Jab a stick up his nose."

"CANADIAN FOUND! You horse-farter!"
"That is not based. *throwing up and canadian flag emojis*"
"You're such a horse farter, [blank]!"

"Objects I sho-"
"NO!" <------------------------------------------------------
"SD card-" |
"YES!" |

"Wii Party, Wii Sports-" |
"Wait, that was horribly timed. I meant to to reply to this. |"

"Should've replied to it then."
(we were talking about an actual Wii system)
2-“ *sighs* Are you ok?”
2-“…Don’t ever take a job in sales or gambling.”


Both “Ahh!”
2-”Great, it’s contagious.”