"Oh no, it's Unknown Shiketsu Teacher! His Quirk, Erase You From Existence, is more powerful than All Might and All For One combined. I think it's pretty obvious what it does..."
"This guy needs a whole backstory written about him or something xD"
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Dormammu: "Ayyyyy ayyyyy, bro! No farting in my lair, bro!
Ah, darn, now it's in the space between you and me. And now in the galaxies. And other dimensions too. Now I can smell it too! AGH, IT SMELLS TERRIBLE! NO, NO, NOOOOOOOO!!!" *dies*
Doctor Strange: "Wow, you defeated Dormammu by farting? Please... teach me."
"Today is a day of running through hurdles."
"Aren’t you supposed to jump OVER hurdles?"
"Whatever. Fear is only something to be afraid of if you let it scare you."