The Person Below Me...

you're a psychic good Seastar

the person below me is thinking of reading that book again (you know which one)
Maybe and its Outsiders or the other book by the same author for the umpteenth time
Person below me is attached to many things
I do! All three games look better than ever.

The person below me likes to give dogs belly rubs.
I like seafood but I wouldn’t say it is my favorite type of food

The person below has a job
I do have a job. I just started back there after being laid off in March.

The person below me bought something today.
nope; haven’t bought anything since last weekend aha ;c;

person below me is a vegetarian
Despite me feeling excited over nothing (the cold weather does this to me around this time of year), today is just an average day.

The person below me is eating right now.
I do, just as long as it doesn't have any high fructose corn syrup in it (or any other similar garbage).

The person below me has blocked/ignored at least one person on the internet.
I've blocked soooooooo many people on facebook, I don't think I've really blocked people in other places though.

The person below me doesn't drink coffee.