The Person Below Me...

I’m 5’3 which isn’t very short but I feel that I am compared to everyone else around me.

The person below me has a crush on someone currently.
nope just the regular switch

the person below me likes anime
Definitely. Can barely get through a series without starting another one though, lol.

The person below me prefers live action over animation.
I do. Grey lab, her name is Luna

The person below me loves Mac n cheese

The person below me is a staunch Nintendo fan that tends to defend them for controversial decisions more often than not
No, I do. I 150% do and I'll be the first to admit it. I love winning and I need to be the best in everything I do.

The person below me has won in a competition before.
Yeah, I won first place in a model car race when I was younger. However, I couldn’t care less about actually winning in a competition. Most of the time I just practice things in order to improve myself.

The person below me has gone camping before.
I wish. But, I got a few more years to go.

The person below me walks/walked to school.