The Person Below Me...

Quizzes are fine as long as they don’t have any essay questions.

The person below me is looking for a PS5.
I actually don't like PlayStation, and don't fund Sony

The person below me likes tea
Yup! A lot! Now I'm gonna go make some.

The person below me likes indie music the most.
Indie music is actually my favorite genre of music. I love indie underground rock

The person below me plays overwatch
not really,, it’s never been all that interesting to me aha

person below me owns a weighted blanket
I don't know about impressive, but my biggest collections are my stickers and glass bottles, I think.

The person below me has an "abnormal" hobby.
I had corn if that counts?

The person below me has boated before.
Nope. I’m almost completely white.

The person below me has a hard to pronounce name.
It depends on the situation, but more often than not I get nervous looking over a tall edge...

The person below has taken a cave tour before