The Person Below Me...

March! Close enough!

The person below me prefers animated shows over live action.
of course, cats are cute but also terrifying and i can't go near them
whereas dogs are amazing 😊💕

the person below me prefers old games over new games
Nope, just a regular one.

The person below me hasn't played New Horizons in months.
Incorrect. I definitely don't play near as often, but I get on once every other week or so.

The person below me prefers tea over coffee.
most definitely, i can’t stand coffee but tea is perfection

the person below me can cook
I'm decent at cooking but there's still a lot of techniques I want to get better at.

The person below me enjoys fishkeeping.
Yeah! I’ve had a pink betta named Floyd for quite some time now.

The person below me has gone to a Toys R Us at least once when they were a kid.
I did a few times. That store probably doesn’t exist anymore.

The person below me was born in February.
close, march
my mum was born in february though

the person below me has or had a pet fish ☆
I have never owned a pet fish : ( but I had a hamster and i have a dog

the person below me wants/has a tattoo
nope, nothing against tattoos (my sister has two which are really nice) but I have a really low pain threshold so don't think I'd ever make it through getting one done

the person below me has no food allergies
Correct! However, when I was a lot younger I was convinced I was allergic to strawberries. Not sure why.

The person below me eats 3 meals a day.
yup, or 4 if dessert counts as a meal lol

the person below me puts pineapple on pizza
i like this, idk why everyone hates it haha
ive never tried it so im not gonna jump to conclusions and say i hate it

the person below me has dyed their hair
Nope, haven't ever done that and probably won't ever do (I just prefer my natural hair color).

The person below me writes with their right hand.