The Person Below Me...

Nah that wouldn’t look very good.

Tpbm has read multiple books at a time.
nope, if start one then i do nothing else until i've completed that book
but it's fine because i read manga mostly so 1 book will only take me 1-2 hours to read

tpbm has owned at least 1 build-a-bear
Yeah like 4 lol. They’re really cute it’s just that my parents never really got them for be because they’re kind of expensive. :(

The person below me likes to wear jewelry.
yeah I do like wearing jewellery but I don't wear it on a regular basis, I have a couple of bracelets that I like wearing when I'm out and a sapphire ring (my birthstone) which I received from my parents that I wear on special occasions

the person below me has been ice skating before
I have some years ago, surprising felt easier than rollerblading.

person below me has climbed to the top of a tall tree before
yup, i used to love climbing trees ^-^

tpbm has played spiritfarer
sorry i'm just obsessed with this game atm lol
nope. 🥴

the person below me has participated or is planning to participate in the valentine’s day event.
Nope! I’m not good at making cards, so I’d rather not.

The person below me has had vegetables to eat today.
i haven't actually

the person below me wants it to be spring already
omg yes! it's my favourite season and i just want winter to be over lol

tpbm has been on a cruise
yeah, been on two (Caribbean and Norwegian Fjords) I loved both but think it will be a long time till I go on another one

the person below me has never broken a bone
No, unless you count the one from Animal Crossing Gamecube.

The person below me is excited for Splatoon 3.
yassssssss and i am HYPED for SPLATOON 3! 😁🌟

tpbm has seen a panda in person
this is the only thing i wish to achieve in life 😂
i don’t think i have but i’d love to!

person below me is excited for the super mario update.