The Person Below Me...

not really. right now, i’m aiming for a rainbow/colourful aesthetic which i’m really enjoying but with how quickly i become bored with things, i try to focus on a few aesthetics at a time rather than just one. :’)

person below me has run a marathon before.
No, but closest thing to it is that I used to run the longest race we had in track and field back in elementary school. I believe it was called the 3000m race so 3km or approx. 1.8 miles for the American folks out there. Pretty sure that's nothing compared to actual marathons but hey, I was like 12.

The person below me has gotten the covid vaccine.
I used to, but since I moved I haven’t yet.

The person below me had pizza at least once in the past week.
Nope, but actually I'm gonna have some tonight.

The person below me has done an extreme sport before.
Not really.

The person below me changes their pfp and signature at least once a month.
Nope, this is my third profile picture and maybe 4th signature in the whole time I've been on tbt

The person bellow me paints their nails
nope, but my brother has a whole big multi monitor set up, it's cool!

tpbm favorite school subject is history
Nope! Where I live you need to be 55+ to be vaccinated (or have a pre-existing condition)

The person below me owns some amiibo figures or amiibo cards
i didn’t. :’) i thought about getting a copy for a while but i decided to go with new leaf instead.

person below me is shorter than 5’10.
Yeah I've always kept my hair long, I used to hate having it cut when I was young so I only ever let my hairdressers cut a very small amount off, which he still likes to remind me about every time I see him. Now I'm better about having it cut as I prefer it at a more manageable length but it's still quite long.

The person below me can play an instrument
Well, I can play some, just not very well lol.

The person below me has performed in a play - not hosted by a school - before.