The Person Below Me...

I mean... I play an instrument that makes music, if that counts.

The person below me is considered short for their age.
no, I know my limitations - writing is definitely one of them lol

tpbm is saving up for something nice that they want
There's quite a few things I'm saving up for, including games

The person below me prefers more laid-back games over fighting games.
Usually yeah, nowadays as I'm getting older I guess.

Person below me is nervous about a test/presentation coming up?
Ah, that's a hard one. But I'd overall prefer apple juice; just had some tonight actually!

Person below me is a dog person.
NoOOo!!! I am not a fan of dogs or cats!!

The poster below me finds today's pop music to be over-rated.
It depends on the musician. I don’t really think this era of pop music is any better or worse than the previous ones.

The person below me can read things upside down with little issue.
Yeah, I’d say so. I’m tired, but that’s usual :)

The person below me should be asleep right now.
Yes I hate ta...*pc falls on the floor as table dissapears* ... I mean I love tables!

tpbm plays a sport
Haha, no. I’m not anywhere NEAR athletic.

The person below me is on the Purple team for the TBTWC :)
Nope. Love it or hate it, we all need water for our bodies.

The person below me listens to guilty pleasure music.
Perhaps 🤔 There are some songs I refuse to admit I listen to

The person below me keeps every card they recieve.
I keep them for a while but definitely not forever.

The person below me is a fellow green team member! 🐸