The Person Below Me...

A (fat) cat inside & 3 deers outside ;D

The person below me has a weird/random talent.
Not sure if this really counts, but I can walk on the sides of my feet! It used to freak people/my friends out when I did it as a child, ahaha.

The person below me is interested in pottery.
Not sure if this really counts, but I can walk on the sides of my feet! It used to freak people/my friends out when I did it as a child, ahaha.

The person below me is interested in pottery.
I mean I admire the work, but I'm not really interested in it.

The person below me loves the color pink.
Mhm, it's a nice color.

The person below me signed up for TBT before the release of New Horizons.
Maybe closing in on a month now? Not too sure

The person below me has never ridden a horse before
I actually have but it was probably half my lifetime ago or so. I was maybe 12 haha. Wasn't really for me though.

The person below me currently has a significant other of some kind.
I do, I have a fiance. We were supposed to get married last year but covid kind of put a hold on everything, we just bought a house together though!

tpbm doesn't like marshmallows
I like only the very smol marshmallows, and only when they are in hot chocolate or something. I don't like marshmallows on their own.

tpbm has a very colourful duvet cover on their bed
Only during the winter season ^^

The person below me takes ages in the morning to get ready
generally, no - but when I have something important to go to then I may take a while to put together something to wear and make sure my hair isn't a complete disgrace lol

tpbm has at least one limited-edition version of a game in their collection.
Uh, I think I have a limited edition game case of something, but not really sure.

The person below me keeps their action figures in boxes.
while it's not action figures, i don't keep anything in the boxes. i wanna display them dang it! i do regularly dust them though to keep them in a good condition. i'm the type to take the collectible out and keep the box if it's cute orz

tpbm has spent too much on in game purchases before
Eh sorta yeah. Wanted to make up for time lost in Destiny 2 after a big move lol.

Person below me has pulled all-nighters for work/homework.
I once pulled an all-nighter but not for work but rather on school camp, didn't like it that much the next day though when they surprised me with a full day hike :/ For homework I almost did one during my finals, I think I still slept like an hour or so, don't recommend ;d

The person below me has an Iphone..
Correct! I just switched from an Android about 2 months ago.

The person below me joined tbt because they were looking for something dealing with ACNL.
uuuuh no i don't think so? i made my account back in 2018, but didn't start posting till 2019 so that would've been for new leaf.

tpbm knows how to drive