The Person Below Me...

not any official or exciting plans haha, but i plan to spend my day doing self-care, relaxing and getting drunk lol. might also watch some movies with my mom.

the person below me is excited for 2023
Well we get more Pokémon content in 2023 so yes, I’d say I’m excited.

The person below me likes to collect.
Not right now. I did have some pizza an hour ago, but not right at this moment.

The person below me is going to stay up until midnight for the new year?
I slept for a good portion of the day, so no doubts about that! Lol.

The person below me likes to exercise.
Yes. That game was the **** for me in middle school, lol.

The person below me frequently participates in the TBT events.
Nope! This past Christmas event was my first-ever TBT event. I will definitely be participating more in the future, though!

The person below me had a New Year's Eve party.
my day’s technically just started since it’s 1:18am haha, but yesterday was good!

person below me ate something within the last hour.
I haven’t. I’ve been laying down the past hour, and should be sleeping soon.

The person below me should be sleeping right now.
It's the morning where I am, so no more sleep for me.

The person below me is going back to school or work tomorrow.
Nope, getting there! Still riding my tricycle! (I'm kidding, I haven't rode in a while, but I have a mountain bike in my shed. Tires probably need to be pumped)

The person below me needs to fix their sleeping schedule.
i do. it’s been better the past few days, but i hate going to bed so late and waking up so late. not good for my mental health haha.

the person below me knows how to play at least one instrument.
Used to play violin, gave up for no reason

Person below me had a good new year yesterday