The Person Below Me...

I had a pretty decent day but I was recovering from being stressed out.

The person below me is really tired right now.
I am sadly as I didn't get much sleeping because I was thinking too much about returning to work.

The person below me is still in their pyjamas.
I love space, but I don't think I would be scare to go, so yes to the first part and no to the second. I would ******* love to go on a trip in space.

TPBM is having a good year so far...
I’d say it’s decent, but not necessarily good. Just average.

The person below me is currently sleepy.
a l w a y s. i keep staying up too late playing on my 3ds

the person below me has 2 or more cats
Nope. I want to be though (with Spanish and German).

The person below me took a language class (other than their native language) in high school.
i’ve never played a Pokémon game (although i did really like chespin in 3rd grade for some reason)

the person below me likes owls.
Yes. I have a few that like to sit in the large oak trees outside my house and call other owls. Sometimes you can hear owls in the distance call back to them. It's one of the perks of living in the countryside.

The person below me has only just woken up.
Wrong, I haven't eaten yet today.

The person below me has a colorful pair of socks.
I don’t. I just own white and black socks, respectively.

The person below me is currently laying down.
absolutely not!!! i've fallen on my butt because of slippery snow a lot of times!!!

the person below me likes going to the beach