The Person Below Me...

i do! i prefer soft-shelled tacos. i don’t eat them very often, though haha.

the person below me enjoys reading.
I wasn't actually, yesterday was a good day all round.

The person below me is glad today is almost over with.
Yes, a million times yes. It's 1:02 and it feels like a week has gone by since this morning. Today was so awful lol.

The person below me is tired right now.
I have eaten a sandwich already today! 😊

The person below me has a favourite book.
I love baking! not so much cooking lol

The person below me likes chocolate
Of course!

The person below me has a doctor's appointment of some sort coming up.
I have an account but I’m a viewer. I don’t make videos anymore, but I used to.

The person below me needs to clean their room.