The Person Below Me...

Yes, trying to kick out a villager and also just a break from the stress of the weekdays (finally, rest).

The person below me is really happy it's Friday.
Honestly, yes. I have off this Friday along with my weekends, so I’m enjoying my time away from work, lol.

The person below me is ready for winter to be over.
This winter has been pretty mild, but I would say I am more looking forward to the days being longer not so much winter being over. But for that to happen winter would need to be almost over so...probably.

The person below me has plans they are looking forward to this weekend.
Yep. My birthday is on Sunday so I invited a couple friends over and we’re going to a steakhouse for dinner.

The person below me has/wants a pet dog
Yep. My birthday is on Sunday so I invited a couple friends over and we’re going to a steakhouse for dinner.
Oh nice! Well Happy (early) Birthday! That sounds like an awesome way to celebrate. I actually did the same thing for my b-day last year. You should get yourself some fried onion/onion rings if you like that. They go really good with a steak.

I'll listen to any music if it sounds halfway decent/good. But I can't say that's a genre I really gravitate to most times.

The person below me has a project that they're working on. (Not so much like schoolwork, just a project whether it's drawing/painting, woodwork, ect)
I don’t know if this counts but I started a new Minecraft world recently and still working on my base and getting all the gear and items.

The person below me watches too much anime.
No. I watch very casually, if that.

The person below me is currently listening to music.
Not particularly, no. I did just wake up not too long ago. So the day is just starting for me.

The person below me is looking to change things up for 2023.
Once spring hits I do! I usually have some flowers and strawberries

The person below me collects something
I collect CRT TVs, vinyl records, CDs, and Octavia Butler books.

The person below me uses multiple forums.