The Person Below Me...

I don’t eat breakfast, no. I start with lunch.

The person below me likes orange soda.
Usually some of the best sodas are orange

The person below me had a disappointing lunch today
I didn't even have lunch, so I guess so LOL

The person below me likes alternative music
I don’t drink coffee at all. It tastes terrible, in my opinion.

The person below me drinks energy drinks.
Actually, yes. We make our own mayo because the stuff at the store is really unhealthy.

The person below me likes whole wheat bread over white bread.
I love tomatoes unless it's those soggy ones in burgers and sandwiches.

The person below me likes to eat rice.
I like rice when it's added to sushi and some other things... but rice by itself? Nah, gross, it's too plain-tasting for my palette.

The person below me likes to eat waffles.
I love waffles. Honolulu Coffee Company makes these amazing waffles topped with whip cream and fruits. It's to die for.

The person below me shaves their legs.
Nope. Well, I was alright with geometry and trig in high school. But everything else, n o p e.

The person below me is experiencing warm weather right now (;-; < me, jealous)