The Person Below Me...

True, probably too much LOL

the person below me has at least one piercing
very. it’s going on 3:30 in the morning and i just got up. i don’t have to be awake for another 6 hours or so, so i’m hoping i’m able to get back to sleep lol

the person below me knows what their zodiac sign is
There are a few words that I still can't spell right on my first try but aside from that, yeah!

The person below me loves a smell that the majority of people dislike.
I wouldn't really know, but dirty smoke smell (like from a bonfire burning old wood) does give me a wave of nostalgia. It's kind of cool how smells are tied in with memories like that. So in a way I like it because of that? It's not like I'm going to inhale it because it smells so good, but the memories attached to it are nice.

The person below me has plans for the weekend?
i don’t, though i’d love to have a few one day.

the person below me has a job
I don't! Though I am applying rn since I graduate college soon!

The person below me had breakfast today
Yeah, I had yogurt and coffee. A small breakfast, but I'm usually not hungry in the morning anyways.

The person below me is participating in the TBT egg hunt.
Trying to lol

The person below me prefers cookies more than cake
not really. i like a few songs, but i still wouldn’t really consider myself a fan.

the person below me celebrates easter
Technically yes, but I'm not doing anything this year lol

the person below me likes rainy weather
Not really, unless it’s at night and not thundering, that’ll put me to sleep faster than you can say cheese

the person below me likes the Simpsons
It's a pretty good show and I've seen quite a bit of episodes (plus the movie), but it's not my favorite. I (obviously) prefer South Park.

The person below me has pulled an all-nighter recently.
I'm too old to be doing that, plus I like my sleep too much to sacrifice it for studies or other activities.

The person below me is craving chocolate right now?