The Person Below Me...

That's true, though my room isn't disastrous yet ehe.

The person below me hates the smell of cream cheese
not me! i love the rain 💙 i was outside while it was absolutely pouring the other day, having the time of my life lol

the person below me has gone to see a movie in the past month
I do, though I don't use discord as much as I used to

The person below me has a favourite mug with a cool design
Naww I don't ever get energy drinks, I mainly just have coffee if I need it.

The person below me has a song they despise
Only very rarely. I'm a tea drinker most of the time.

The person below me wants to redo their wardrobe.
Kind of, but it's not a huge deal since I'm off work tomorrow.

The person below me is allergic to cats and/or dogs.