The Person Below Me...

I like a song called Lemonade. Does that count? If it doesn't, I still like the drink.
The person below me can play an instrument.
Yep, I play the french horn, trumpet, recorder, and I'm going to be learning bassoon soon!

The person below me likes coffee.
I like pizza but it’s extremely overrated

The person below me has never played a Pikmin game
Incorrect! I tried Pikmin 3 and didn't care for it at all.

The person below me has never played a Fire Emblem game.
Yeah, I’m actually taking a break from journalling all about it XD And funnily enough, it involved TBT!

The person below me keeps a dream Journal of some sort (phone notes count!)
Mm okay but not well LOL

The person below me likes mozzarella cheese