The Person Below Me...

If you count the lettering on my shirt, then yes. I'm wearing my Luka Doncic shirt right now, lmao.

The person below me likes pancakes.
I have skin allergies. Nothing food related. I’m just allergic to hand sanitizer. It makes my skin break out.

The person below me watches at least one sport.
It's okay. I drink it every now and then, but I don't drink it like I used to as a kid. I try to be more healthy now.

The person below me has some plans or something fun they have planned sometime in the remainder of 2023?
Nope, woke up early actually

The person below me has a Halloween costume picked out
Yea, definitely a sometimes food though

The person below me has caught some form of public transport today
Nah, I don't live in a place where such a thing is readily available. I was painting my bedroom in my house most of the day.

The person below me watched a sport on TV today.
It's something I thought about but I don't actively make them.

The person below me is overthinking about something right now.
Yeah, that would be getting rid of clothes in my closet that no longer fit me. I've got a lot, and haven't went through it in a while. That may finally change this week, however.

The person below me doesn't want to go back to work tomorrow (assuming they didn't work this Sunday).