The Person Below Me...

It's in November, but I don't really celebrate it much anymore.

The person below me prefers fall back over spring forward with regards to DST.
We went back to gmt over bst. Just cold dark and miserable 😔

The person below bought a cute collectable today?
Yes, actually. It's Stitches!

The person below me has worked at a restaurant before.
Yep, and thank goodness I do. Important thing to learn in anyone’s life IMO.

The person below me is able to sleep in tomorrow.
Yes, also thankfully!

The person below me prefers red over blue.
Contrary to popular belief that people think my favorite holiday is Halloween, no I really don't.

The person below me likes coffee.
I don't at all actually. I prefer western animation (boo, I know), though I do have an interest in watching English-dubbed Pokémon episodes every now and then. I also want to watch a fan-translated version of Gekijōban Doubutsu no Mori, as I'm really curious. Gotta find a good time to do it, however.

The person below me has to prepare for Thanksgiving in some form tomorrow.
No. I'm not doing anything special.

The person below me has played at least one Mario Kart game.
i haven’t. 😅 i’ve been kinda tempted to pick up mk8 since it always seems so fun whenever i watch others play it during tbt livestreams, but i think i’m more of a mario party girl, haha.

the person below me has worn acrylic nails before.
Nope! I think they look cool but just aren’t for me personally

The person below me has allergies
Actually I don't have any allergies at all that I'm aware of.

The person below me has travelled internationally
No. I haven’t been outside the United States, but I want to.

The person below me doesn’t like to eat fast food.
Nope. I don't drink anything that has caffeine in it really.

The person below me hasn't ate a meal today.