The Person Below Me...

Nope, never really been interested in doing that.

The person below me has played at least one RPG before.
Pokémon and Mario & Luigi are the main ones.

The person below me has had something to drink in the last hour.
True, currently drinking tea

The person below me NEEDS to get something to drink
I'm good right now. Drinking Gatorade at the moment.

The person below me had to work today.
I’m neutral to them.

The person below me has been out to eat at a restaurant in the past two weeks.

The person below me is excited for something happening within the next week.
Yes. I’m being paid sometime tomorrow.

The person below me likes the fruit watermelon but doesn’t like the artificial flavor.
I struggle to play Mario games sometimes, I don’t think I could ever play Dark Souls.

The person below me has their device at a low percent.
Yes! A long time ago, when I got bored of Millsberry lol.

The person below me went to Walmart today.
I suppose I am, yes! I‘ve never really considered myself an artist, let alone a good one haha, but I do enjoy creating art occasionally!

The person below me is already thinking about what to get people for Christmas this year
I thought people preparing for Christmas in September was too early. This sounds like a step beyond planning ahead of time.

The person below me can play an instrument.