The Person Below Me...

I'm not in an event mood at the moment, but I'll take a peek at the next one when it rolls by.

The person below me is guilty of purchasing too many novelty items at gift shops.
Not really, I’m stingy and consider things for a long while before getting them, especially if it’s for myself, and especially if it’s from a gift shop, which are usually more expensive.

The person below me hasn’t drunk enough water today
I don’t think I ever drink enough water for a day.

The person below me has a garden.
Kind of? We have a backyard, not sure that I'd call it a garden though.

The person below me has had dinner already.
Not today, too early for that

The person below me enjoyed maths as a subject
I did! It was also ironically one of my best subjects in school. I had the highest math mark in my grade when I graduated!

The person below me has/has had braces.
nope, I am done with school and don’t plan on going to college.

The next poster had spaghetti recently?
Yes! I have it pretty much every week.

The person below me prefers re-reading or watching things rather than reading/watching something new
Yes! I have it pretty much every week.

The person below me prefers re-reading or watching things rather than reading/watching something new

yes! it's comforting to enjoy things I already know that I love and further grow my appreciation for them : >

the person below me has dyed their hair other than their natural colour before
Yes! I often dye mine green c:
I also dyed it red once when I was younger for a cosplay

The person below me has cosplayed before

Edit: oops! Yes I have though, I had a salad roll today
Yep! I cosplayed as Qrow Branwen from RWBY and Saitama from One Punch Man in the past.

The person below me knows how to whistle well.
I wish. I can barely whistle

The person below me has drank water today (If you haven’t, this is your reminder to do that).
I finished an entire bottle about 20 minutes ago.

The person below me has had the same hairstyle for several years.

I am done with school and don’t plan on going to college.
Nothing wrong with that; I dropped out of my university after a single semester because I couldn't fit in with other students and the way they operated compared to my high school was incredibly not to my liking. Like, how come you need a B to pass these classes? What's the point of the lower grades if you can only get a B or A? I'm in no mental capacity to become so pressured like this; at least you could receive a D- and still pass at my high school.
Sorry for going off topic, I really wanted to reply to Shawna's answer
Nay nay, I rarely eat sweets these days. Maybe like, once in a blue moon, lol. They're more special that way imo.

The person below me likes Pokemon.