The Person Below Me...

Nope, I'm sitting on my bed instead!

The person below me plans on participating in the TBT Halloween event going on right now. 👀

The person below me has a phobia of some sort.
I'd freak out if I saw a mouse in my basement. I'm pretty sure it's happened before.

The person below me watches sports.
Understatement of the century LOL.

The person below me has had surgery before.
Yeah. Even though I personally don't go trick-or-treating anymore, I love seeing the kiddos in all their costumes!

The person below me has been in a plane before.
True! But unfortunately I'm currently driving a monstrous SUV until I can find something smaller, so gas has been too expensive to do so lol

The person below me makes OCs
I do!

The person below me prefers savory over sweet food.
Definitely, I'm not a fan of sweets most of the time, but I love savory food <3

The person below me can blow a bubble with gum