The Person Below Me...

Kinda? I hate math but people say I'm good at it. It's defently my least favorite subject

The person below me likes dressing up
Nope, I rarely watch movies unless they really grab my attention

The person below me styles their hair a lot
Not really? I’ve been keeping it dark blue, but it’s in the ‘messy’ style it’s always been.

The person below me hates asking for help.
Yeah, sometimes. I don’t know why, because I know when I need it but I don’t want to talk for some reason. 😓

The person below me has a book they’re currently reading.
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I don't really read books for fun very often anymore, school made it very unfun for me, so no.

The person below me is currently using this website on their phone.
*inserted video of Plankton saying CORRECT! only to find out YouTube doesn’t want embedded videos on websites without signing in for some stupid reason*

The person below me has obtained the haunt reaction on TBT.
No but SOMEBODY won't stop giving me haunt reactions.

The person below me dislikes Halloween.
I wouldn't say I'm talented at it but I like to draw a lot.

The person below can't stand black coffee. HAS to have creamer and sugar, dang it!

The person below me has watched a lot of anime.
Not really, I did watch a bit of Aggretsuko last year though but I stopped watching it after finishing season 3 and I haven't bothered getting back to it, thought it was alright though.

The person below me likes rhythm games.
Nope, well unless Geometry Dash counts but I don’t really play it often.

The person below me bought too much candy.
Yeah I love that show, should probably get back to watching it since it's been a good while since I've seen it.

The person below me hates public speaking.
If it’s forced, yes.

The person below me saw something this week that made them chuckle.
Yes, I love the animated content aware scaled black cat

The person below me gets bitten by mosquitoes a lot.