The Person Below Me...

yeah thats a no from me dawg

the person below me has relatives that they’ve never met
Yes, actually... Because a certain someone refuses to have anything to do with us.

The person below me remembers cassette tapes.
Some of them are cool or have very interesting behaviour but generally, no

The person below me has more than one screen for their computer
Wait don't all computers have one screen no I'm probably just dumb

The person below me ate too much candy yesterday
I didn't eat any of that candy.

The person below me has work they should be doing right now.
I don't care because I don't like pizza anyway

The person below me hasn't eaten yet today
Yes, I just woke up so I'm about to eat.

The person below me has posted at least 100 times this past week.
Lol I wish.

The person below me enjoys farming simulators.