Pokémon The Pokémon Challenge Thread

Thanks for updating me guys. I started my Pokemon SoulSilver Nuzlocke Challenge yesterday, and I already have two gym badges (and am close to Goldenrod City). This is what my team looks like right now:

Pyrrha the Female Quilava, level 20
Lie Ren the Male Weepinbell, level 21
Nora the Ditto, level 10

I fought against my rival for the second time, where I sent out Lie Ren against his Croconaw. Bullet Seed only ended up doing more than half damage, and I was scared because I thought he was going to use Ice Fang, but he used Bite instead, and I took out the rest of his party. I just recently acquired Nora the Ditto on the route before Goldenrod City. I kept trying to headbutt with Pyrrha for an encounter, but that was not working, and ironically enough, I walked into one patch of grass before a Ditto leapt out.

Also, if anyone was wondering, yes, I’m naming my party members after RWBY characters, old and new. :D

EDIT: I’m also hoping Nora will help with gym battles like Morty’s and Clair’s where the type of Pokemon is effective against the same type. Of course, Nora will have to be stronger by then.

start ev training with zubats for that. they give speed and they die easily.
start ev training with zubats for that. they give speed and they die easily.

I may encounter some Zubats and defeat them, but I don?t really do EV Training. It?s not a part of the franchise I care for.

EDIT: Especially in a Nuzlocke Challenge. I want it to be as fair as possible, and to me buffing up their stats feels like cheating.
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So I ended the SoulSilver Nuzlocke Challenge a couple of days ago and began an Omega Ruby Nuzlocke Challenge soon after, and it’s going great. I started with a Torchic based on the number I got, who also happened to have the Adamant ability. Since then I’ve acquired three gym badges and have a team that looks like this:

Endeavor the Male Combusken, level 25
Kamui Woods the Male Breloom, level 25
All Might the Male Hariyama, level 25

My team is looking good (and also quite overleveled and overpowering from where I’m at), but I want to make it a full mono-fighting type team, since for some reason my first first encounters were both future fighting types like Shroomish and Makuhita. If I’m going to do this for the Nuzlocke Challenge, that means I’ll have to somehow encounter both a Machop and a Meditite next (Gallade is impossible at this point). I know there’s also a chance to encounter a Heracross or something in the Safari Zone first, but it could get away as well. Honestly, if I don’t end up catching enough for the team, I’ll leave it at however many fighting types I have when I challenge the league. I think this will also give me an advantage in raising fewer Pokemon, and there’s nothing that says you HAVE TO challenge the league in a Nuzlocke Challenge with a full party. I am probably going to want to form one anyway though, which means I’ll start auto-capturing whichever first encounters I come across throughout the rest of my journey. For now, I’m pretty confident in the team I have going for me.

EDIT: I also realize the 6th and 7th gym battles are going to be really tough because of this, but I’ll be prepared with rock or dark type moves and perhaps even more Pokemon in my party by that time.

EDIT #2: And yes, all my party members are named after My Hero Academia pro heroes. :D
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Wowie, it's been awhile...I think. Feels like it anyway.

So during grinding, both my Tynamo and my Clefable died. However, my Litwick evolved and I picked up a Venusaur and a Piloswine. I also caught a Porygon-Z. I'm still at Undella town, so I haven't progressed much in the story, but I think I will attempt that while I level up Venusaur and Piloswine because this was kinda the best I could do for now without boring myself to death.

Randy the Male Salamence, Level 41
Ness the Male Lapras, Level 42
Erina the Female Lampent, Level 42
Luna the Female Cresselia, Level 43
Pikmin the Male Venusaur, Level 37
Tuscany the Male Piloswine, Level 36

Deaths since last update:
Tyler the Male Tynamo, Level 37
Maria the Female Clefable, Level 41

I didn't start out doing a specific naming theme this time, but I may have to do that starting with my next Nuzlocke. I'm probably gonna do either Fire Red, Platinum or Ultra Sun next.
I'm almost at the end of my first-ever Nuzlocke. I just made it to Indigo Plateau in Leaf Green.

Current Team:
Diggy the Dugtrio, Level 50
Amber the Aerodactyl, Level 50
Hitty the Hitmonlee, Level 51
Tiny the Pidgeot, Level 52
Sleepy the Snorlax, Level 55
Siren the Lapras, Level 56

Bulby the Bulbasaur, Level 7
Ratty the Raticate, Level 38
Karpy the Gyarados, Level 40
Weepy the Victreebel, Level 41
Manny the Primeape, Level 46
Pokey the Slowpoke, Level 31

I'm definitely gonna make sure I'm well-prepared before I take on the Elite Four. XD
So I made it to Mt. Chimney, but my dumb self forgot Maxie’s Camerupt is also a ground type, so I stayed in with Endeavor and he died. Lmao. I turned it off right then and deleted the save file. I’m probably not going to do another Nuzlocke Challenge for awhile now. That really just killed the roll I was on.
So I made it to Mt. Chimney, but my dumb self forgot Maxie’s Camerupt is also a ground type, so I stayed in with Endeavor and he died. Lmao. I turned it off right then and deleted the save file. I’m probably not going to do another Nuzlocke Challenge for awhile now. That really just killed the roll I was on.

Ah man, that sucks. To be honest though, I don't really blame you. I've done the same once or twice I think in Emerald and in Platinum. Sometimes it just gets to a point where you've had enough and it's best to just stop.


I didn't make a whole bunch of progress since I was busy today. However, I did finally make it to Opelucid City. Now I have a whole lot of grinding to do, I want to get all my party up to at least Level 45.

Randy the Male Salamence, Level 42
Ness the Male Lapras, Level 42
Luna the Female Cresselia, Level 43
Ken the Male Blaziken, Level 45
Pikmin the Male Venusaur, Level 37
Tuscany the Male Piloswine, Level 39
Ah, sorry. I kinda just assumed this thread was dead for good.

Anyways, I have a big update. I beat my Pokemon Black 2 Randomized Nuzlocke awhile back.

Final team:
Lucas the Male Empoleon, Level 60
Luna the Female Cresselia, Level 59
Pedoloon the Male Drifblim, Level 60
Ken the Male Blaziken, Level 62

Deaths Since Last Post:
Tuscany the Male Piloswine, Level 40
Dr. Gero the Porygon-Z, Level 45
Ness the Male Lapras, Level 49
Kris the Suicune, Level 56
Pikmin the Male Venusaur, Level 61
Randy the Male Salamence, Level 60

Gotta say that Cresselia was the undeniable MVP this whole run. Without it I probably would've lost a long time ago. Fitting how it was the first Pokemon I caught, too. It managed to not only carry me throughout the entire game but also stayed until the very end.

Anyway, next game I'll do? I'll need to figure that out first. I've got some thinking to do. I'll be back here when I figure that out, though.
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Ah, sorry. I kinda just assumed this thread was dead for good.

Anyways, I have a big update. I beat my Pokemon Black 2 Randomized Nuzlocke awhile back.

Final team:
Lucas the Male Empoleon, Level 60
Luna the Female Cresselia, Level 59
Pedoloon the Male Drifblim, Level 60
Ken the Male Blaziken, Level 62

Deaths Since Last Post:
Tuscany the Male Piloswine, Level 40
Dr. Gero the Porygon-Z, Level 45
Ness the Male Lapras, Level 49
Kris the Suicune, Level 56
Pikmin the Male Venusaur, Level 61
Randy the Male Salamence, Level 60

Gotta say that Cresselia was the undeniable MVP this whole run. Without it I probably would've lost a long time ago. Fitting how it was the first Pokemon I caught, too. It managed to not only carry me throughout the entire game but also stayed until the very end.

Anyway, next game I'll do? I'll need to figure that out first. I've got some thinking to do. I'll be back here when I figure that out, though.

Awesome! Congrats on beating it. I’m looking forward to seeing more challenges from people.

I myself am still working on beating the last 7th gen game for me, Pokemon Ultra Moon, so I probably will not be doing another Nuzlocke Challenge until much later. :)
Started up a Pokemon Ultra Sun Wonderlocke. Unfortunately, it's impossible to name the Pokemon you recieve from trades (there might be something I'm missing here but I'm just not seeing it), so my Pokemon will not have nicknames this time. Progress? I defeated all the trainers in the Trainer's School including the Teacher you have to fight, and now I'm currently sitting in Hau'oli City.

Meowth (Alola) - Level 10
Beldum - Level 7
Shroomish - Level 10
Abra - Level 10
Started up a Pokemon Ultra Sun Wonderlocke. Unfortunately, it's impossible to name the Pokemon you recieve from trades (there might be something I'm missing here but I'm just not seeing it), so my Pokemon will not have nicknames this time. Progress? I defeated all the trainers in the Trainer's School including the Teacher you have to fight, and now I'm currently sitting in Hau'oli City.

Meowth (Alola) - Level 10
Beldum - Level 7
Shroomish - Level 10
Abra - Level 10

Nice! That looks like a good starting team (Also, bonus points for the new avatar and signature. That’s literally my favorite part of MHA. LOL!).
So for a WonderLocke, does the Pokemon you receive have to be level 1 when you get it? What happens if you are traded a level 50 monster? Or a clearly hacked shiny or legendary?
Nice! That looks like a good starting team (Also, bonus points for the new avatar and signature. That’s literally my favorite part of MHA. LOL!).
Yep. However, all of my Mons (sans Meowth) were Level 1 when I got them. Thank god for the Meowth, otherwise I would've had hell training my team up. (Also, yeah, I loved that part as well. While it may not be my favorite part, it's certainly one of my favorite humorous moments in the series.)

So for a WonderLocke, does the Pokemon you receive have to be level 1 when you get it? What happens if you are traded a level 50 monster? Or a clearly hacked shiny or legendary?
Levels don't really matter, you have to use pretty much any Pokemon you get from Wonder Trade. There's an optional rule where you have the option to trade away a high leveled Mon if it won't listen to you in battle, which I will be using. As for hacked Pokemon, I don't really think there's a rule for that.
Sorry for the double post, but it's been awhile and I figured I'd post an update.

Pokemon Ultra Sun team (1/8 Trials Completed)
Shroomish, Lv. 17
Meowth (A), Lv. 16
Charmeleon, Lv. 16
Slowpoke, Lv. 11
Beldum, Lv, 12
Abra, Lv. 15

I just finished the first Trial and managed to somehow avoid death during the first Totem battle. Next up I'm pretty sure is to find Lillie. By the way, I'm going in knowing most of what happened in Sun and Moon while maybe being unaware of a few changes here and there in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, so you can say I'm kinda going in a little blind, but there is most likely some more stuff in this game that I'm unaware of at the moment, so I probably won't mention said things in my update posts.
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my last nuzlocke was in black, and oof, i made it to the first gym and everyone got swept.
it was the most depressing thing ever and i still am sad ovER IT.
Sorry for the double post, but it's been awhile and I figured I'd post an update.

Pokemon Ultra Sun team (1/8 Trials Completed)
Shroomish, Lv. 17
Meowth (A), Lv. 16
Charmeleon, Lv. 16
Slowpoke, Lv. 11
Beldum, Lv, 12
Abra, Lv. 15

I just finished the first Trial and managed to somehow avoid death during the first Totem battle. Next up I'm pretty sure is to find Lillie. By the way, I'm going in knowing most of what happened in Sun and Moon while maybe being unaware of a few changes here and there in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, so you can say I'm kinda going in a little blind, but there is most likely some more stuff in this game that I'm unaware of at the moment, so I probably won't mention said things in my update posts.

That’s great that no one has died yet! And yeah, things don’t really change in Ultra until the second Aether Paradise visit, Poni Island, and beyond. I will say, if you make it all the way to the end of Poni, you’re going to have a fun boss battle ahead of you. :lemon: I would make sure to prepare your Pokemon for that boss battle, but I will not spoil what it is.

@Mayor Raptor: Yeah, I get pretty turned off after I lose a Nuzlocke Challenge too. I was doing well on my last one in Omega Ruby before I realized that Camerupt is also a ground type, and my starter, then Combusken, died. How I usually cope with the sadness is playing a different game for a bit, up until I finish what I’m doing there and get the itch to try another Nuzlocke Challenge.

And now that I think about it, X and Y are the ones I haven’t tried in awhile, so I may do a Nuzlocke Challenge on one of those next.
That’s great that no one has died yet! And yeah, things don’t really change in Ultra until the second Aether Paradise visit, Poni Island, and beyond. I will say, if you make it all the way to the end of Poni, you’re going to have a fun boss battle ahead of you. :lemon: I would make sure to prepare your Pokemon for that boss battle, but I will not spoil what it is.

@Mayor Raptor: Yeah, I get pretty turned off after I lose a Nuzlocke Challenge too. I was doing well on my last one in Omega Ruby before I realized that Camerupt is also a ground type, and my starter, then Combusken, died. How I usually cope with the sadness is playing a different game for a bit, up until I finish what I’m doing there and get the itch to try another Nuzlocke Challenge.

And now that I think about it, X and Y are the ones I haven’t tried in awhile, so I may do a Nuzlocke Challenge on one of those next.

Alright, thank you for the heads up. I'll be sure to keep that in mind.

Also, I can relate. A few months ago before my Pokemon Black 2 Randomized Nuzlocke, I tried HeartGold and got rekt at the first Gym. If Falkner's Pidgeotto didn't have ROOST, maybe that wouldn't have happened, but oof. I'm just glad I had better luck with Black 2 and I'm seemingly having better luck in Ultra Sun. But yeah, I tend to do that with Nuzlockes myself. If I end up getting swept or I just ragequit, I'll usually play another game or watch some anime and then come back when I feel like I'm ready to continue. I've seemingly had a lot of bad luck in past Nuzlocke runs, so needless to say that's happened way more times than I can count.
I've done plenty of Pok?mon X/Y Nuzlockes, and I want to start a new one. My last one ended badly.. I lost to DIANTHA. She's probably the easiest champion in the entire series. In the end, it was all down to my Venoshock OHKOing her Gardevoir, and it lived on like 1 HP and Psychic'ed my Nidoking right in the face. I'm planning on doing a wonderlocke next!
I've done plenty of Pok?mon X/Y Nuzlockes, and I want to start a new one. My last one ended badly.. I lost to DIANTHA. She's probably the easiest champion in the entire series. In the end, it was all down to my Venoshock OHKOing her Gardevoir, and it lived on like 1 HP and Psychic'ed my Nidoking right in the face. I'm planning on doing a wonderlocke next!

That reminds me of how Hau’s Flareon kept surviving with low HP when I was trying to beat him today, but I found a way to take it and the rest of his team out. Good luck on the Wonderlocke! I’m going to be doing an X/Y Nuzlocke Challenge for my next one.