Mafia The Real Housewives of Mafia - Town Wins

My assessment arises from the fact that Dad created a double standard between Mog and Punchy. He both misrepresented the logic against Punchy (arising from the fact of his inconsistancy, not the fact that it apparently was a joke post. He presented the post as a serious post, retracted it, and now still susses me and Farobi). Moreover, his abject dismissal of the possibility of Glow being mafia, despite her not being her, raises red flags. He could have at least put her down as null in his reads.

Already gave a difference between Punchy and mogyay in regards to how they're acting. Again, mogyay seemed more nervous about it in their joking than punchy did, that's my read.

Also glow was merely dismissed and I specifically said I dismissed her because she hadn't posted much yet. THAT IMPLIES NULL. How neither you nor Endless can infer that I nulled glow here is beyond me, and furthermore, pushing it against me as seeming suspicious is worrisome if anything because especially you Dolby, you've played recent games with me where I've taken to only talking about my scumreads and not wasting time explaining townreads. Because like I've said in previous games, declaring somebody as a townread determines whether you'll be targeted at night or not by mafia at times because pushing certain players as vocal town can be manipulated by mafia. The only person I've really townread so far is you and given how I view you that's generous.
When did I towntell glow? If I say nothing about them it's called a null, ****bird. Putting words in my mouth isn't going to help push your shallow case here.

Responding to this part specifically since it ticked me off

Dad said:
As for the experienced player that's on the mafia team (a theory I fully buy): it's Endless or Ness. Mostly because Dolby isn't setting off alarms and glow hasn't provided much content yet.

You say that IT IS Endless or Ness with 100% certainty. In doing so, you have entirely disregarded Glow and the possibility that she is scum. Did you explicitly say that she was town? No. But you did say that of the godfathers (which Glow was on the list) you stated that she could not be mafia through negating her from your scum list. And addressed her in the post as to why she is not on the list of who CAN be mafia
If I'm gonna be honest I really don't know how to reply, I literally brought up a point on Dedenne and reading over it myself I think it's perfectly fine??? so idk. I can see what you mean but regardless of how you bring up a point it's not in my control whether people pursue or not if that's what you mean

Honestly in a round about way I'm really not even suspicious after these interactions :confused:
You ignored this part:
Abe said:
He states he doesn't like me because of my regular play, which he can't claim to not know because he literally referred to it within the post as my "usual play". (I could be misinterpreting this and he could be saying that he doesn't like the way I'm playing, but is effectively null on me. I don't believe that's the case, but I like to include all options when analysing.)
Any reply to this? Also you've only made brief passing statements of not liking Zendel as compared to your points on Abe and Mog. Can you elaborate on Zendel?

Also fwiw your logic regarding Ness is flawed - you may think Ness as a godfather but the general community, the host included, doesn't lump him in that category, and you were basing your assumptions off of host bias.
Already gave a difference between Punchy and mogyay in regards to how they're acting. Again, mogyay seemed more nervous about it in their joking than punchy did, that's my read.

I fail to see how Punchy retracting his sus against me and Farobi at the start of the game, after having seen a negative response, and then reviving those two susses is less cautious (ik, I'm mincing definitions here) then what Mogyay did saying that there's no way all me, you, endless, whoever else she put on that list
All of this text wall vomit is going to be a chore to analyze tomorrow morning...
All of this text wall vomit is going to be a chore to analyze tomorrow morning...
actually ty for reminder

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCMENT: pls don't make your posts absolute monsters to read. If you do, please include spoilers. Word vomit is pro-scum as information in the vomit-esque posts gets VERY easily lost. Brevity is king.
Responding to this part specifically since it ticked me off

You say that IT IS Endless or Ness with 100% certainty. In doing so, you have entirely disregarded Glow and the possibility that she is scum. Did you explicitly say that she was town? No. But you did say that of the godfathers (which Glow was on the list) you stated that she could not be mafia through negating her from your scum list. And addressed her in the post as to why she is not on the list of who CAN be mafia

I wish I had 100% certainty but I never do. I'm pushing and prodding here because I do stick to my theory on the experienced mafia host bias and think at least one of the people Panda mentioned is on the mafia team. And yes, I do think toads can see Ness as experienced enough to be lumped in with the others. He has won multiple games as mafia before, most recently in a very unbalanced setup that bianca ran (the arsonist one he replaced me in) and also ****ed everyone up as Jester in mystic messenger.

Astro/SarasKat not seeing that Ness is at least one of the more experienced players of the bunch is surprising considering she ran mystic messenger and a number of players in the game tipped their hats to Ness for his play there after he flipped.

This is going to get annoying because it's only going to inflame the alignments that seem to be forcing themselves on me in this game but I agree with glow not liking Astro's sudden flip on me. Astro casually read me as town for my post but as soon as one of the biggest voices swoops in to make a case against me she suddenly turns around and is like 'oh woops I read Dad wrong, going to reread him now!'

It's going to come off as an omgus but I suspect astro as mafia. A lot more than Endless even. Despite him being back on his bull****.
Mind elaborating on Dolby?
btw, Jester is someone who's wincon is to get lynched during the day. Do you think one of those two is Jester?

@Heyden: Regarding asking for Doc - do you think you were justified in asking? Like taking the heat of the moment out, and looking at things now with a clear mind and such.

@glow Any thoughts on anyone else? Like I know you think I'm sus but beyond that there's been a lot of **** in thread so far than just me lol, like wb Dolby, Punchy, Dad, Zendel, ect.

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smh ninja
Only just saw this but um, yes and no, for the most part I didn't really expect them to I was just being dramatic cos I was panicking, took me a bit of time to realise arso won't light until most of town is doused or dead anyway. But yeah if doc did come up to me it would've been pretty awkward and probably a noob, but I'd rather them in my hands than anyone else :lemon:
This is going to get annoying because it's only going to inflame the alignments that seem to be forcing themselves on me in this game but I agree with glow not liking Astro's sudden flip on me. Astro casually read me as town for my post but as soon as one of the biggest voices swoops in to make a case against me she suddenly turns around and is like 'oh woops I read Dad wrong, going to reread him now!'

It's going to come off as an omgus but I suspect astro as mafia. A lot more than Endless even. Despite him being back on his bull****.

Well you're right on that
You ignored this part:
Any reply to this? Also you've only made brief passing statements of not liking Zendel as compared to your points on Abe and Mog. Can you elaborate on Zendel?

Also fwiw your logic regarding Ness is flawed - you may think Ness as a godfather but the general community, the host included, doesn't lump him in that category, and you were basing your assumptions off of host bias.

Already explained why my logic regarding Ness isn't flawed, and there's a little more content from him now than there was when I was prodding him, but in regards to the statement on not liking Zendel, I stand by not liking his answer to the 'how much mafia experience do you have' question because the answer seemed uncharacteristically eloquent as well as ambivalent as to how he regards himself as a player.

For reference:

How much mafia experience do you have?

A bit, it doesn't reflect my capability; although it varies from person to person so maybe it does?

He's turned around and pointed out how I went after him as mafia in my last game with him, picking apart similar small moments, and that doesn't help my defense here at all but I wasn't even thinking about that when I took a moment away from Endless' bs to give Zendel a once-over and noticed the weird wording there. Do I think what follows since I attacked him isn't a rightful defense? No, but I still think his rqs was slightly odd.

This game is already giving me cancer lmao. Been spending most of my time having to defend myself here. I blame Endless.

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I fail to see how Punchy retracting his sus against me and Farobi at the start of the game, after having seen a negative response, and then reviving those two susses is less cautious (ik, I'm mincing definitions here) then what Mogyay did saying that there's no way all me, you, endless, whoever else she put on that list

Can you rephrase this? You fail to see how...what? A lot of thoughts piled onto that intro phrase.
Can you rephrase this? You fail to see how...what? A lot of thoughts piled onto that intro phrase.

What Mog said was a statement that there was no way all five of us were scum (also didn't see any nervousness that I recall, but I'm to tired to look back). What Punchy did was embellic of new scum cautiousness. He but forward a thought, retracted it, and then reintroduced the idea.

Actually thinking about that, I could easily see him being peer-pressured to drop it, then introducing it again. But the way that he reintroduced the idea of me and Farobi being scum was pretty bad

Dad said:
Astro/SarasKat not seeing that Ness is at least one of the more experienced players of the bunch is surprising considering she ran mystic messenger and a number of players in the game tipped their hats to Ness for his play there after he flipped.
I do see him as experienced. What I do not see him as is a leader of any form. Godfathers are generally defined by their ability to lead and create cases, regardless of alignment. And while Ness's ability as a player is respected, I don't believe he's that kind of person, and I believe the general community agrees. I'll look to see if Toads makes any reference towards whom he believes is a GF in previous games later, too lazy rn tbh.

Regarding Zendel, am I accurate in saying that you have a weak SR on him then if you SR him for his RQs but think his defense is justifiable? And you never answered the Abe question
is it weird to say that I really don't want to be called a "godfather" because I think the term itself is dumb

Sorry for the trash post, but I've been up watching a Doki Doki Literature Club stream and I got bored
Yeah I never said godfather, just on the mafia team, in any role (godfather/goon/rb/etc).

Astro, I'll drop the topic after making one last statement on it: I recall Ness being able to get a fast lynch on evan in BotW mafia. So I've seen him lead too. But I digress because ya'll trying to use the argument that Ness is an incapable player against me is pretty dumb.

Also Dolby I'm not disagreeing with you on the note of Punchy at this point, especially since he's hopped on and off votes twice now. If I'm right in my suspicion about this then I'm wrong in dismissing earlier behavior in favor of mog's but they could both be demonstrating it.
Who's Abe? That's made my life 10x tougher, as well as post being a trillion times because ghee on mobile.

In response to Heyden: Even though I've only played two games, I could've done my research as soon as you'd said a term I didn't recognise? I don't really need to go into too much detail since Vanessa has already said that my first game was an astronist game.

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Because ghee= bigger

My typing skills are on point
Regarding Zendel, am I accurate in saying that you have a weak SR on him then if you SR him for his RQs but think his defense is justifiable? And you never answered the Abe question

@ the Zendel point: honestly? Yeah.

@ the Endless question, didn't think it was that important tbh. He says 'I don't like his play' and all I've really said that I don't like about his play so far is how he's said pro-town things for what I worry is saying things for the sake of seeming pro-town. Granted, there are indeed people who haven't played a PM game in here, it's very common sense to go into this at least knowing 'hmm, maybe I shouldn't answer a PM revealing who I am because it's day 1 and there's nobody confirmed enough to trust.'

I did half of what I did to stir up discussion however, and even though a lot of it has turned against me and made me look pushy/sus, I got some decent reaction out of it. Especially with this:

Anyways Ness called you out on automatically agreeing with me, you turned around and said this:

@My reaction to Dad: To be totally honest I skimmed and it seemed good, I'll have to reread it. Entirely missed Abe/Zendel even being brought up in that.

Also how do you miss Abe and Zendel being brought up in this? I can understand skimming mistakes given my Zem = Zen and not clicking links mistake, but entirely missing a point on Zendel that was its own paragraph and talking about Abe for another half of the paragraph? You missed a good half of my post in the skim if you did indeed miss those points.

Anyways, you make this immediate 180 after admitting your casual dismissal of me due to a 'skim' and post this:

ok I ****ed up lmao, reading dad's post it was bad. I know it sounds hollow but I don't really have any excuse for it aside from skimming from reading a bunch of pages at once so FOS that all you want for me being alright with Dad's post, it's justified (like even the mog/Ness part like good lord). Also I've really liked Abe's recent content and I dont think the points against him for arrogance is really a good scumtell - he's always arrogant (kek, last time I said I shouldn't call you talented abe you said it wouldn't hurt for me to compliment you :p) so that's not really alignment indicative, and then I also liked his replies to my ****. Moving him into town read.

I will say that I know Dad respects Ness's scum play a lot because of Greek Cultists so I'm not entirely surprised about the GF logic there so I dont really sus him for thinking Ness is good, but I do think his logic is flawed in saying that Toads would assume the same.

Still want to read into Zendel/Panda, gonna do that next and also gonna read into Ness since he'd made markedly little impact on my mind. Slight TR on Zendel atm though, something about his interaction with me feels genuine.

It's a generic 'I agree with Endless and disagree with Dad now that I've really read it.' Not only that, but in this post she seems to heavily dislike the points I made against mog and Ness but yet in the post I mentioned before this she didn't even catch onto me making points against Endless and Zendel in my big post either. It comes off as you missing out on the content of mog, Ness, Zendel, and Endless when they were the -bulk- of the post you skimmed. Like 80% of it. So when you agree with the post momentarily and then apologize for casually agreeing with me and make this turn, sticking to it for the rest of the day as of now, I feel the need to point that out.

Also I'm not a huge fan of people announcing who they're going to look into next, like it's an agenda, in regards to that line at the end.

If it really needs to be clear, my current suspects are Astro, Punchy, Zendel, and Farobi. Farobi sent me a really weird PM and it's giving me a lukewarm sus. But it's there nonetheless. All he PM'd me was 'Whats your alignment? Please be truthful. Thanks." With 'henlo' as a jokey title I assume. It's an absolutely shallow question to PM and that's what I told him.

I don't see Farobi and Punchy on the same team though.
Just letting you guys know that Farobi send me a pm as well few hours ago asking me about suspicions and all the feeling of reading his pm is kinda weird but seems like hes looking for someone to trust feeling left out in the game and looking for someone whi to open uo with or smthing