Mafia The Real Housewives of Mafia - Town Wins

As of this post, we have around 13 hours until EoD - remember, there's a 1 hour grace period after EoD and start of night.

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... when did i mention anything about PMs?

My apologies, I misinterpreted one of your earlier posts. You didn't specify in thread or pms and I made an invalid assumption.

And yes, Kat is Arstotzkan
I'm reluctantly TRing Abe, I haven't seen him in recent games (link to most recent town and scum game plz)
I'm not familiar with Chele's meta, so maybe I'm off the put here, but I think locktowning Chele just off her meta is wild and crazy. I don't think she's scumtold whatsoever, but I think we're not far enough into the picture for a locktown.

Everyone is townlocking Chele because she's done a complete 180 from last game where she was scum. Last game she posted once a day with fairly sizeable posts that seemed helpful at first but actually didn't contribute to the main discussion. This game she's already posted more than she did in all of last game, her posts are relevant and more responsive to other players, and her tone is much more natural. It's true she could just be very skilled and able to change her scum meta but out of everyone in the game I think she's the safest to townlock.

Anyways, with the whole Godfather War (TM) I agree with a lot of the points made against Dad but Kat is the most sus to me, I reeeally don't like her big 180 on the Dad/Endless thing (yes I understand people miss things but idk that was a stretch and it's just really convenient to say "oh yeah I totally missed that you're right it's super sus" when called out by someone.) Furthermore I feel like she has been grasping at straws a bit for points like when she picked on one sentence that Endless wrote (though obviously some of her points have been good). I also don't like how she carried on with the debate about if Ness is godfather material or not, sorry but that just felt like a filler and it's not really significant to the game.
You know what's an arsonist but not a godfather? But yeah, godfather is usually the high skilled player who's playing for the mafia.

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My guess for that is Dad (Abe?), then maybe glow, kat, dolby, endless at that order

Glow cant really be a stable decision as she hasnt said much but i just want to put this out here:

kat's posts all seem a bit forced/not genuine and idk if it's just me or what but yeah just bookmarking this for later

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didn't mean to quote sensai, i meant to quote ness o_____O
this was right after Ness had changed his mind a bit on Kat. I know everyone's got their own opinions on tone but to me Kat's tone sounds genuine, and she admitted her mistake as she mostly skimmed the post.
but i cant say much as glow has literally posted nothing relevant.
I'm reluctantly TRing Abe, I haven't seen him in recent games (link to most recent town and scum game plz)
I've never played before xd

In all seriousness, take a gander at if you want to see my games on site. I could link plenty of others, but since those are with players on this site, you can examine their past play simultaneously as you examine mine, should you choose to.

All you really need to know is that I'm up myself, (excessively, I apologize) I have more experience than the rest of the players in this game combined, and my play is extremely similar as both alignments to where most people refuse to townread me even when I've been an incredible asset to town because I'm often the most protown player in a given game as mafia myself.
this was right after Ness had changed his mind a bit on Kat. I know everyone's got their own opinions on tone but to me Kat's tone sounds genuine, and she admitted her mistake as she mostly skimmed the post.
but i cant say much as glow has literally posted nothing relevant.

I like this post, even though I disagree, points to Dedenne for going against what is becoming a popular opinion

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Everyone is townlocking Chele because she's done a complete 180 from last game where she was scum. Last game she posted once a day with fairly sizeable posts that seemed helpful at first but actually didn't contribute to the main discussion. This game she's already posted more than she did in all of last game, her posts are relevant and more responsive to other players, and her tone is much more natural. It's true she could just be very skilled and able to change her scum meta but out of everyone in the game I think she's the safest to townlock.

Anyways, with the whole Godfather War (TM) I agree with a lot of the points made against Dad but Kat is the most sus to me, I reeeally don't like her big 180 on the Dad/Endless thing (yes I understand people miss things but idk that was a stretch and it's just really convenient to say "oh yeah I totally missed that you're right it's super sus" when called out by someone.) Furthermore I feel like she has been grasping at straws a bit for points like when she picked on one sentence that Endless wrote (though obviously some of her points have been good). I also don't like how she carried on with the debate about if Ness is godfather material or not, sorry but that just felt like a filler and it's not really significant to the game.

Following up on this though I think I would be fine lynching either Kat or Dad. I don't really need to make any points against Dad as they've all been made already

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Everyone is townlocking Chele because she's done a complete 180 from last game where she was scum. Last game she posted once a day with fairly sizeable posts that seemed helpful at first but actually didn't contribute to the main discussion. This game she's already posted more than she did in all of last game, her posts are relevant and more responsive to other players, and her tone is much more natural. It's true she could just be very skilled and able to change her scum meta but out of everyone in the game I think she's the safest to townlock.

Anyways, with the whole Godfather War (TM) I agree with a lot of the points made against Dad but Kat is the most sus to me, I reeeally don't like her big 180 on the Dad/Endless thing (yes I understand people miss things but idk that was a stretch and it's just really convenient to say "oh yeah I totally missed that you're right it's super sus" when called out by someone.) Furthermore I feel like she has been grasping at straws a bit for points like when she picked on one sentence that Endless wrote (though obviously some of her points have been good). I also don't like how she carried on with the debate about if Ness is godfather material or not, sorry but that just felt like a filler and it's not really significant to the game.

Following up on this though I think I would be fine lynching either Kat or Dad. I don't really need to make any points against Dad as they've all been made already

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Dang it TBT
I don't think I'll be on tomorrow cos I have to help family prepare for a Christmas party but I actually feel super uncomfortable with everyone jumping on Dad and think that Endless/Kat maybe glow is more likely pulling the strings here. I will say though this is the first time I'm not townreadinf Dad early on. Also Farobi, who's more interested in 'making alliances' than scumhunting, which gives me scum vibes. Don't think Punchy lynch will happen and I don't really feel it either.

As for Zendel/Vanessa/Ness, was mostly based on tonal differences but yeah I dunno I sort of just jumped on them based on first glance at their posts.

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To add on, I feel as if Farobi is PMing 'lower' players too to manipulate them, unless I'm stretching but yeah he seems far too interested in getting people on his side for some reason which is really putting me off.

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sorry for bad grammar and structure, sort of blurting out everything rn lmao

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god im so illiterate without a laptop
I don't think I'll be on tomorrow cos I have to help family prepare for a Christmas party but I actually feel super uncomfortable with everyone jumping on Dad and think that Endless/Kat maybe glow is more likely pulling the strings here. I will say though this is the first time I'm not townreadinf Dad early on. Also Farobi, who's more interested in 'making alliances' than scumhunting, which gives me scum vibes. Don't think Punchy lynch will happen and I don't really feel it either.

As for Zendel/Vanessa/Ness, was mostly based on tonal differences but yeah I dunno I sort of just jumped on them based on first glance at their posts.

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To add on, I feel as if Farobi is PMing 'lower' players too to manipulate them, unless I'm stretching but yeah he seems far too interested in getting people on his side for some reason which is really putting me off.

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sorry for bad grammar and structure, sort of blurting out everything rn lmao

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god im so illiterate without a laptop

Hmm I do like your points on Farobi and the Dad bandwagon but seriously you say you're going to look into Zendel/me/Ness and then you just backpedal? I feel like you're hesitant to take a stance and it's pretty scummy.
Hmm I do like your points on Farobi and the Dad bandwagon but seriously you say you're going to look into Zendel/me/Ness and then you just backpedal? I feel like you're hesitant to take a stance and it's pretty scummy.
I'm not completely disregarding you guys, it's just that your firsts posts stuck out to me for whatever reason so I felt necessary to bookmark it and blah blah but Zendel explained it and I townlean him now bc of other things I won't say, your play rn reminding me of Caxnival and see resemblances opposed to early game where you weirdly focused on the message, but Ness yes I'm still sus of but purely based on interactions with others.

If not clear, a lot of my suspicions are based on people focusing on other things not scumhunting, sort of hypocritical though bc I'm also arso hunting :lemon:
The reason I was PMing people is to probe deeper the things that could be said differently if in a more public setting, aka this thread. There are more people I initiated PMs with who are not what you may call the "easily manipulated" players fyi since I'm really working on town's best efforts individually as well with the information I'm trying to get for myself. I would do it in the thread but probing individually seems to be more personal, but judging from many of the replies I get they either seem hesitant or give me closed-off vibes so it's nothing for me to be able to delve into yet.
I'm not completely disregarding you guys, it's just that your firsts posts stuck out to me for whatever reason so I felt necessary to bookmark it and blah blah but Zendel explained it and I townlean him now bc of other things I won't say, your play rn reminding me of Caxnival and see resemblances opposed to early game where you weirdly focused on the message, but Ness yes I'm still sus of but purely based on interactions with others.

If not clear, a lot of my suspicions are based on people focusing on other things not scumhunting, sort of hypocritical though bc I'm also arso hunting :lemon:

Good grief I would hope I play better than Caxnival at this point

I was "focused" (I only made like two posts about it smh, and I wasn't the only one) on the message because I thought it could be significant, didn't realize the capital letters were meaningless. I thought they were a deliberate choice.

Can you possibly elaborate on your Ness suss?
And it's also ironic that you mention I'm not scum hunting when i'm pretty much the only person whose pretty sold with my vote atm lol. Not saying it's not subject to change but right now i see dad more sus than kat at the moment, cause i can see kat's posts from a town perspective moreso than dad.

Buut if we're not going for them, I'd be down for a dedenee lynch honestly. If she turns out scum, then it's very likely punchy is scum along with her too.

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Also Farobi, who's more interested in 'making alliances' than scumhunting, which gives me scum vibes.
directed at this quote***
And it's also ironic that you mention I'm not scum hunting when i'm pretty much the only person whose pretty sold with my vote atm lol. Not saying it's not subject to change but right now i see dad more sus than kat at the moment, cause i can see kat's posts from a town perspective moreso than dad.

Buut if we're not going for them, I'd be down for a dedenee lynch honestly. If she turns out scum, then it's very likely punchy is scum along with her too.

I don't think you've commented on Dedenne before (unless I just missed it), why do you think she's scum?
no problem! but who do you think the godfather is?

Stop focusing on the GF part it would be nice if we focus on current issue rn, its just a crier flavor txt

This is like exactly what he pmed me lol :)

I know and you are not only the one I think he pmed around 3-4 people so idc

@Farobi @waffles @dedenne I really hate to repeat myself, but PMs in this game should be utilized to converse matters that would have a disadvantage being in the public eye - most topics are much, much more useful out in the open, where everyone can discuss them.

Ahh you mean the one I brought up Farobi's pm I don't recall pming them also didn't care Farobi's pm that much. I kinda feel like he's pming players who are "average" or "low" tier he maybe taking advantage or doesn't feel confident talking with strong tier players

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Eat **** and die internet took you more than 30 mins to post this ****
I don't think you've commented on Dedenne before (unless I just missed it), why do you think she's scum?
General indecision mainly (she asked what a godfather is - and took me a couple of tries to get a fine answer) - but looking back that could be noob town as well. This was similar to how Chick, who was a noob back then, played as an SK in the sk mini game mafia a couple months ago. Dedenees act of uncertainty reminds me of that.
General indecision mainly (she asked what a godfather is - and took me a couple of tries to get a fine answer) - but looking back that could be noob town as well. This was similar to how Chick, who was a noob back then, played as an SK in the sk mini game mafia a couple months ago. Dedenees act of uncertainty reminds me of that.

Meh I don't think this is scumtell for Dedenne, if you look back at her other two games (she was town in both) she was equally indecisive and didn't really take any stands
Stop focusing on the GF part it would be nice if we focus on current issue rn, its just a crier flavor txt

I'm not basing it off that - I legitimately am considering lynching the possible godfather based on what i think.

Who is your vote leaning towards atm?
Meh I don't think this is scumtell for Dedenne, if you look back at her other two games (she was town in both) she was equally indecisive and didn't really take any stands

So both my Zendel and Dedenee reads aren't enough for you i assume. Who do you personally want to vote for?