the real reason most websites dont give CF a 10/10

WiiWii said:
This is going to go down well this being my first post and all, but i have to agree with the reviews.

Wild World was excusable because it was portable, but its just plain lazy of Nintendo to create an almost identical game. Throw in some mini games, A sports center you can exercise in, tone up and make you run faster or dig faster in the game world. A leisure center where you can bowl or play arcades (that could feature sample Virtual Console titles), or play table tennis. A learning center that allows you to go to an education Brain Training like course, or teach you how to say basic words like 'yes', 'no', 'hello' and 'goodbye' etc in another language.

If i could think of all this, couldn't someone from Nintendo do the same? As a fan of the original and WW, i can't help but feel ignored, as it seems this game is targeted at a new generation of Wii owners rather than fans of the series. For shame Nintendo, for shame.
See, that sounds nothing like Animal Crossing.
Except the arcade part.
That couldv'e been in the city.
Well its because the game doesn't chage a lot form de DS version. If u see the DS version chage a lot form the Gamecube version, because there was A LOT of new things but from the DS version to Wii version the only new thing is the city, there isn't new neighboors, all they are form the DS version, the songs r the same, the places r the same...

I love this game but I fell too that Nintendo rush this game a lot so this is why the game is very simiar to the DS version.
D.T. said:
Well I only read the first page of this thread but it was extremely painful.

The real reason most websites aren't giving it a 10/10 is because it doesn't deserve a 10/10. It's not because they "TTed and that ruins the experience!!!11". It's not because they think every game has to have ACTION, they gave Animal Crossing GCN a very high score and commended it and that had the same amount of action as CF. It's not because they want it to be a completely different game, either. They just think, like any intelligent person, that a new game should have new content. Not new content in the sense that it changes the entire game, but new content in the sense that it is not just the same game we already played two times. Wild World had a decent amount of new content (The Roost, Astrology, patterns, etc) and it got an 8.8. City Folk has virtually NOTHING, and that is why it didn't get a 10/10.

In other words, the review websites don't give the game a 10/10 because they are not full of rabid fanboys that will love anything Nintendo wraps in a shiny new package and throws at them. I'm sorry for being so harsh but come on, the views expressed here were so baised and naive it was both laughable and excruciating to read. If you love the game, that's great, I'm glad you apparently have the ability to enjoy anything (as long as it doesn't defy your warped moral standards). Not everyone is like that. Review sites have to be unbaised and give games what they really deserve, and City Folk in no way deserved a 10/10. And note that I do not TT, I do not only love games that have action and violence, and I don't want Animal Crossing to be a different game altogether; I just want it to have something new. New furniture, new places, new functions, new anything. So far this game downgrades (only one town per wii, back to the GCN house, you can only hold four emotions, the annoying grass dying thing) more than it upgrades.
YAY, someone else who realizes these things.
Good god we have a fan boy war. Just because a game got worse reviews than you think it should have, does not mean the reviewers criticisms are invalid.

AC:CF is a fun game that I will enjoy, but it is extremely similar to the last 2, W had more different in it that the GC version as far as I can tell. And when I say it is hardly different I don't mean like how LoZ TP is horribly similar to OoT, I mean more like the a fiji apple is hardly different from a gala apple. I enjoyed both of the last games and will enjoy this one but it makes Nintendo seem lazy.

Reviewers review M games no better than others, although many reviewers are more excited about them because guess what? Reviewers are adults who tend to like M rated games more. But to deny that games like Super Mario Galaxy, LoZ TP, of Banjo Kazooie got awesome scores is ridiculous.

Also someone said Nintendo was never hard core, have you ever played the original Mario games? They are hard! or the original LoZ with just a little poker for a sword? Nintendo was hardcore at a time.

Edit: Almost forgot. Time Traveling does not ruin the experience, merely speeds it up, not even in actual gameplay time, but in how many days it takes to do thing.