The unoffical "X" Research Thread

I forgot about time zones....
it is over already?
well I'll go on and look whereever.
Not yet, but i think i saw a quick black thing move in the top right corner of my screen, maybe not. And you can come now

sorry about that

Also, we are in need of a "late night searcher"
they play at night (10Pm-2Am) WITHOUT EVER TIMETRAVELING. and offline, anyone want to?
I'm opening up my gates, we'll start another search. but please don't take any fruit on trees or the pears by my house, thanks.
well whenever anyone is up late just go on a little....
I maty be tonight I kinda stayed up til 6 am last night /this mourning and then slept most of the day, so if anyone is on that gates may be open.
OMG! I was standing in my town and I heard walking like next to me like by town hall and nobody was there! Then I kept hearing it again!
dont even start this... its completely made up, you're going on a wild goose chase... this was started at nsider by someone with more time on their hands, its from the same origins as "being able to go to the island"... completely fake.