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The Unpopular Opinions thread

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Schools and prisons should force teens/misdemeanor convicts to work at least two weeks in customer service.
The self-entitlement of the average consumer has gotten beyond ridiculous, and with hiring rates at an all-time stall more places could open up and catch up with the workload.

Schools and prisons? I think everybody should, and you should have to do it again before you're allowed to retire and become an entitled old scumbag to remind yourself what it's like one last time.

My partner came home the other day crying because a drive through customer got so angry and vile towards her that he literally got out of the car, went in to the store and tried to assault her. Why? Because it was raining and he wouldn't wind his window up so he got wet....Or the guy that ordered a contact free delivery because he had Covid who got so angry that his delivery took longer than 15 minutes that he drove to the store and started spitting at all the staff.

Though the better solution would be that you should be allowed to give back the same attitude a customer gives you. Whoever coined the phrase "the customer is always right" deserves the worst kind of torture because they've subjected so many people to so much abuse over the years.
i mean, i'm not really sure how that would help? maybe instead businesses could start actually pushing back against rude, entitled customers and the whole "the customer is right" mentality and actually stick up for their underpaid workers? like, people would probably be more open to working these jobs if they weren't expected to put up with literal abuse from both customers as well as their employers.
Very true, I just thought that if more people had experience dealing with the service sector then there’d be a little more patience when they return to their own lives. Those two groups were the only two I could think of reasonably being ‘forced’ into working. I’d love to change the customer is always right mentality of corporate culture, but teaching the people would probably be more effective than fighting the system.

Taking a job as a school elective used to be more common in the states, I know my dad did it and it instilled a love of cooking from his time at the restaurant. If more kids had experience behind the counter they might grow up remembering the other side. And if someone’s name tag says that they’re in a prison release program a customer might think twice before starting problems XD
Very true, I just thought that if more people had experience dealing with the service sector then there’d be a little more patience when they return to their own lives. Those two groups were the only two I could think of reasonably being ‘forced’ into working. I’d love to change the customer is always right mentality of corporate culture, but teaching the people would probably be more effective than fighting the system.

Taking a job as a school elective used to be more common in the states, I know my dad did it and it instilled a love of cooking from his time at the restaurant. If more kids had experience behind the counter they might grow up remembering the other side. And if someone’s name tag says that they’re in a prison release program a customer might think twice before starting problems XD

i mean, from what i've read/heard most of the entitled customers out there seem to be in the age range of being in, like, their 30s and around there, already adults and i don't really like the idea of forcing kids to deal with people like that more than they already have to.

fighting the system probably is hard, but ignoring it and letting attitudes like this keep festering will only continue the issue. the best way to fix a problem like this is just to weed it out at it's source which, imho, is businesses enforcing the idea that a costumer can do no wrong and is allowed to act however they want as long as they have money.

but that's just my jaded 2 cents.
You should get paid based on work ethic and not how long you’ve been there. I worked at a local grocery store chain, and we were a union. Some people have been there for over six years, but their work ethic suddenly decreased after reaching the maximum raise amount. And because they’ve been loyal, the union protects them. They won’t fire them or cut their pay for miraculously losing work ethic. I had some of their workload put on me because they either didn’t finish or didn’t want to do it, but the union protects them, so what do I know? I don’t know, I stocked four aisles completely while the rest of the employees combined only did three. The last straw was when I was basically told I was nothing because I’ve only been there three months. You’re willing to talk down to the hardest working employee there being paid like $5 less an hour. I don’t even know how this is relevant because I don’t even work there anymore, but I hate unions. I can’t be the minority in this.
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In the uk we had to do a mandatory 2 weeks at an entry level job around the age of 15. I think it was because we used to officially leave mandatory education at 16. Education beyond that was optional, so I assume the idea was to set those up that wanted to go straight into work. The age of leaving education here was changed to 18 a couple of years ago, though apprenticeships etc now count as education too. If you don't pass secondary school level English and Maths, you have to continue doing them either until you pass or until you turn 18. I sort of assume covid would've prevented work experience from happening easily with schools.

I agree with you, it's the best way to teach people, by letting them experience the environment themselves. I hate seeing people being so rude to retail workers and restaurant workers etc. Occasionally I will tell them to chill out, if they're clearly upsetting someone. It's a real pet peeve and one way to instantly put me off someone, if they're rude to people just trying to work.

Yep! Also they end up dumped at a shelter more often, cos the owner can't handle them. There's a woman local to me who has 6 collies in a tiny one bed flat. She walks them without leads and they just run everywhere, all neurotic and out of control. They're working dogs ffs, it's cruel.

By far though, the breed that cannot seem to handle domestic life the most is German Shepherds (unless very well cared for and excercised a lot, every single day). They're police dogs. Guard dogs even. Way too many I have known to just suddenly snap one day and attack someone. Plus for a while, people were getting them as status dogs and they're the type of people who shouldn't have dogs in the first place. I think the worst incident I remember with a German Shepherd was this one that got stung by a bee and went on an absolute rampage before getting hit by a car. Attacked several people, including kids on their way to school. Probably rare that it goes that far, but too many I have known to "suddenly turn". It's because they're working dogs. Working dogs are neurotic and can't channel it appropriately if not given a job.

I’m in Canada and our biggest problem is huskies. Literally every shelter dog is some kind of husky lab cross. It’s actually not possible to get a rescue dog in my city that isn’t part husky. And in the northern area of my province there are literal packs of feral husky/labs that are really dangerous. And somehow the only banned dog breed is pit bulls. We need new laws.
im not a huge fan of pets in general (buying/owning animals just seems a little wrong to me) and i think selective breeding and just breeding in general is out of control. it makes me sad to think of the conditions some animals go through for it and it sucks that there are so many strays. also it seems like a lot of people dont put in as much effort to care for their pets as i think the animals deserve :c

respect to those who take amazing care of the pets they have though and for those who rescue. its not an easy situation but its nice that there are people putting a lot of effort into giving their pets the best lives they can give them. it would be nice if there were more rights for animals so that all owners had to put in a lot of effort

also i freaking hate loud bass so much its so upsetting to have your body assaulted by super loud music. you cant even plug your ears because the vibrations travel through your skull ;-; the people who do it in the middle of the night are the worst. my bed was shaking at 1:30 am last night from it

last thing i can think of at the moment is that im not a fan of perfume and cologne. its one thing if you can only smell it when youre hugging a person (that is reasonable to me), but it seems like a lot of people just get it all over them and it really hurts my nose when i have to be in close proximity to them. people, your noses may be desensitized to your scent but the rest of us are not. thankfully face masks help me a lot, and now that im not in giant classrooms every day its not a much of an issue

oh one last thing that blows my mind is that fireworks are legal. i may seem like a downer for this but they can be dangerous to the people using them as well as others if something goes wrong. also it seems like they often end up as litter. the sounds are annoying too (and sometimes scary), but i dont think fireworks are legal where i am now. i guess the only draw back to that is you cant tell yourself the gun shots you just heard are just some kids playing with fireworks d:
i prefer the trashy looking anime art style from 2008 over the modern styles
theres just something about the low quality that makes it magical to watch
I like cheap microwaved bacon and I am disgusted by real bacon.
I love raw potatoes and yes I do know that it’s not good for you in big portions.
I hate marshmallows and whipped cream. It’s bland and I don’t like the textures..
I’m sick of how it’s cool to be alternative now and how much I was treated so badly when I was younger for being alt.
I get disappointed when ppl say they are horror fans and can only list movies made from 2012-current time.
I only take baths.
I hate cheese on hamburgers.
I am so sick of stores only selling high waisted shorts and pants.
Come at me.
I hate ketchup and mustard on anything
I thinks the battle royale genre is one of the worse game trends ever created
I prefer manga over anime (not sure how unpopular that is now though?)
I think cable TV is garbage
For me, it kinda depends and I only like raisins when I feel like it, or if i put them in my cereal or oatmeal.

also i think anything lavender scented smells like a cheap mr.clean knockoff product with bad chemicals in it
i don't like romance and physical affection.
i don't like chocolate.
i don't like baths.
i hate the cold.
i don't like having pets (used to love having pets but things changed)
i prefer mornings over nights, i love waking up early to see the sun shinning
i don't like fruits except for mangos
i'm an adult married woman with no children and i still have stuffed animals to cuddle with. its something i can't break out of. i love stuffed animals very much, they bring me so much comfort.
i also never want to be a mother. not in a million years would i want a child
I sometimes don't like it when people say "You should do this, because I think it will work for you" I don't like it when people give me lectures of what they think works for me. If I act I am enjoying this its only going to damage me mentally. I prefer to go at my own pace and not have others telling me what works for me. I get they are trying to help and offer advice, but again the issue is when you heard it is so many times that it makes you not wanna even ask for help and you don't want to hear the same lecture over and over. Thats one of the reasons I hate going to the Doctors because I know they will give me the same lecture over and over again.
Smoking needs to be banned throughout all public sectors, leaving smokers with the only option to smoke within the confines of their properties and not outside amongst the general public.
I had my neighbour come over recently and complain that I smoke in the front yard, even though the houses have a gap between them? So really no matter what I do I can't please everyone.
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