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The Unpopular Opinions thread

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I also don’t think liking cats more is uncommon (although I highly disagree, I prefer dogs). There is a poll posted on this exact forum and the cats option is winning.
I know someone with a smart fridge. Like... Why? It holds your food and keeps it cold. Why do you need a whole control panel? Lol
I’ve never understood why some smart fridges have a Wi-Fi connection built in that also enables you to log onto the internet. Why can’t a fridge just be a fridge and nothing else? 🙄😂
I don't get why people are so obsessed with Stevie Nicks. Sure she's a fine singer and stuff but I don't really care for her late/post-70s style and stuff.
Also, given the nature of this argument, I would like to stress to everyone involved that being LGBT+ does not necessarily mean that other members of our beautiful community will always see eye-to-eye with you on every LGBT-related issue. The majority of the people who were involved in this argument, on both sides, are LGBT+. Having one shared trait doesn't mean we will share the same point of view and those differences don't inherently make someone homophobic or transphobic. It is a recurring trend here on TBT that almost all LGBT-related debates take place between members of the LGBT+ community itself, often with accusations being thrown around that they are against their own people, and that's kind of sad. A little more understanding would go a long way.

you know, i wasn't going to even comment on this little tidbit, but screw it.

i didn't see exactly what went down, but when i see phrases like "[opinion] differences don't inherently make someone homphobic/transphobic" i kind of have to cringe a little. there's a huge difference between having a different opinion about, say, ice cream preferences and trying to invalidate or discriminate against people for being different. being LGBT+ isn't an excuse either, like i'm seriously sick of issues like cisgender lgb people being transphobic, trans people being homophobic, binary/gnc trans people trying to gatekeep, ect ect, being sweeped away with "but we're lgbt+ we can't be homophobic!" this line of thinking except those who suffer from in-community bigotry to just take it with a smile, but no. and if somebody was trying to pass off toxic views as harmless opinions, than they deserve to be called out for it. go ahead and delete my post if you want, but if TBT is the sort of site that tolerates intolerance and allows homphobia and transphobia to thrive unchallenged, then i'd rather not hang around anyway.
you know, i wasn't going to even comment on this little tidbit, but screw it.

i didn't see exactly what went down, but when i see phrases like "[opinion] differences don't inherently make someone homphobic/transphobic" i kind of have to cringe a little. there's a huge difference between having a different opinion about, say, ice cream preferences and trying to invalidate or discriminate against people for being different. being LGBT+ isn't an excuse either, like i'm seriously sick of issues like cisgender lgb people being transphobic, trans people being homophobic, binary/gnc trans people trying to gatekeep, ect ect, being sweeped away with "but we're lgbt+ we can't be homophobic!" this line of thinking except those who suffer from in-community bigotry to just take it with a smile, but no. and if somebody was trying to pass off toxic views as harmless opinions, than they deserve to be called out for it. go ahead and delete my post if you want, but if TBT is the sort of site that tolerates intolerance and allows homphobia and transphobia to thrive unchallenged, then i'd rather not hang around anyway.

While you bring up some very real issues, you admit that you didn't even see exactly what went down, and in trying to guess at it you completely missed the mark. It was never something between different sub-groups of the LGBT+ community, but rather about the community as a whole, which prompted the line you just took out of context.

Nobody was sharing toxic views to purposely be hateful. Someone shared an opinion that people disagreed with on a personal level and it quickly devolved into name-calling and arguing. That is the part that became the most problematic. If you want to explain to someone that their opinions are hurtful, insulting them will never be a good way to educate them on the subject nor to get them to reconsider their views.

Again, this discussion was deleted because it turned into an argument, and this is the second time today you've attempted in some form to revive it. We are not having that. It is entirely off-topic and only contributes to further negativity. Further comments on it will be deleted.
I don’t like smart home technology. I don’t want to live in a house that knows when I’m sleeping and sees me when I’m awake.
YES, THIS OVER HERE. I can't stress enough how many times I tried to use technology that is supposed to make things easier when it does the polar opposite. Replacing the work that takes literal seconds to complete is quite frankly, ridiculous. And this doesn't take into account whether or not the technology you have is compatible with one another. I personally think this is not just being lazy, but also giving up some of your privacy which a lot of people have a problem with.

The example I'm giving is not really about smart home technology, but technology stuff in general. My mother got this inkjet printer a couple of years ago. When we tried to set it up, it apparently won't do the basic stuff of printing unless you downloaded an app for the printer. Because of this, it meant that we would have to import files to my phone if we wanted to print something out. If there was an option to print directly from your device using a USB cable, I would've been fine with that. But no, you restrict it to only one option that virtually forces everyone to waste time on something that could've been done minutes ago. Unfortunately, we never ended up using the printer and has been gathering dust since.

To the companies that implement technology like this, why do you have to make your products unnecessarily complicated? Why can't you just stick with things that simply worked like before? If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
YES, THIS OVER HERE. I can't stress enough how many times I tried to use technology that is supposed to make things easier when it does the polar opposite. Replacing the work that takes literal seconds to complete is quite frankly, ridiculous. And this doesn't take into account whether or not the technology you have is compatible with one another. I personally think this is not just being lazy, but also giving up some of your privacy which a lot of people have a problem with.

The example I'm giving is not really about smart home technology, but technology stuff in general. My mother got this inkjet printer a couple of years ago. When we tried to set it up, it apparently won't do the basic stuff of printing unless you downloaded an app for the printer. Because of this, it meant that we would have to import files to my phone if we wanted to print something out. If there was an option to print directly from your device using a USB cable, I would've been fine with that. But no, you restrict it to only one option that virtually forces everyone to waste time on something that could've been done minutes ago. Unfortunately, we never ended up using the printer and has been gathering dust since.

To the companies that implement technology like this, why do you have to make your products unnecessarily complicated? Why can't you just stick with things that simply worked like before? If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
Same, I have/had printers that basically requires you to register for an app if you want to print PDF's or just anything else that's not a common Word document. Like, as you said I don't want to register for more sites than necessary for privacy. And, yeah I have/had to use the ones I had too for it cause I do print a lot of PDFs and t convert that into Word costs money like, wtf.

And yeah talking about apps and softwares, I don't like the subscription model for stuff, why should I pay for stuff when there are fine free versions or I can just print it out at work? The only sub I approve of is AQW because they actually your membership after x amount of months rather than pull money every time.
YES, THIS OVER HERE. I can't stress enough how many times I tried to use technology that is supposed to make things easier when it does the polar opposite. Replacing the work that takes literal seconds to complete is quite frankly, ridiculous. And this doesn't take into account whether or not the technology you have is compatible with one another. I personally think this is not just being lazy, but also giving up some of your privacy which a lot of people have a problem with.

The example I'm giving is not really about smart home technology, but technology stuff in general. My mother got this inkjet printer a couple of years ago. When we tried to set it up, it apparently won't do the basic stuff of printing unless you downloaded an app for the printer. Because of this, it meant that we would have to import files to my phone if we wanted to print something out. If there was an option to print directly from your device using a USB cable, I would've been fine with that. But no, you restrict it to only one option that virtually forces everyone to waste time on something that could've been done minutes ago. Unfortunately, we never ended up using the printer and has been gathering dust since.

To the companies that implement technology like this, why do you have to make your products unnecessarily complicated? Why can't you just stick with things that simply worked like before? If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
Agreed! If I have to download an app to use something simple, I'm gonna be annoyed. Every company these days seems to want to have everyone connect to their stuff and have an account and all that.

For example, having to download the Tim Hortons app to participate in Roll Up The Rim, when the other way they had it originally worked just fine. Now I have to have a stupid app on my phone when before they would just tell me on the cup whether or not I won.
^^^this. i try to keep my app using to a minimum(same with registering for random **** unless needed) and i really hope like, countries or laws can stop this dumb smart society going on. like..not that i own a car but why would need like 5 different apps here just to park your damn car. capitalist oink oink.
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