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The Unpopular Opinions thread

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trans guys/boys can be femboys, it is not a phrase strictly limited to cis guys. this has been a PSA.
Agreed. I have a friend who is a transguy femboy.
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To be fair, that should apply to a lot of things. People want to be too involved in others’ lives. If it’s not affecting you, mind your own business. Let people live how they want.
FACTS! More people need to understand this!
New Year resolutions are a joke. Don't want until the next year to start something for your betterment. Do it now or it will never happen.
This. I don't get why people want those voice/button/touch things so much. Also gg if it gets hacked lol
Most I have is one of those spotlight cameras and doorbells because my old business brought a lot of traffic flow down my long driveway. Never wanted to go out to see who it was, when they'd be pulling in after dark, so I'd just check on it. Also to cover myself in case someone steals or does something they shouldn't be doing. Thankfully only had to deal with that twice that I remember. But it was good to have the recordings to catch them in the act.
Most I have is one of those spotlight cameras and doorbells because my old business brought a lot of traffic flow down my long driveway. Never wanted to go out to see who it was, when they'd be pulling in after dark, so I'd just check on it. Also to cover myself in case someone steals or does something they shouldn't be doing. Thankfully only had to deal with that twice that I remember. But it was good to have the recordings to catch them in the act.
Yeah, fair enough. I mostly aimed my original post at people who have apps for everything in their smart homes. I mean their choices but I'd rather live in a woods cabin lol.
I’ll never understand people who get together and seemingly have nothing in common outside of mutual attraction. Relationships should be more than just fancying/falling in love with one another. I also don’t buy into the whole opposites attract nonsense either. You either love someone wholeheartedly (hobbies & passions included) or your just in love with the fact you’re in a relationship instead.
I’ll never understand people who get together and seemingly have nothing in common outside of mutual attraction. Relationships should be more than just fancying/falling in love with one another. I also don’t buy into the whole opposites attract nonsense either. You either love someone wholeheartedly (hobbies & passions included) or your just in love with the fact you’re in a relationship instead.
I somewhat agree. You don’t necessarily have to have a lot of things in common, though. Just a few things is fine, but I couldn’t see myself with someone I didn’t have anything in common with. Regardless of these things though, I think a lot of us are in love with the idea of love, and for what? I think loving yourself is important. No need to get that love from someone else.
The Schools who think they have to teach everyone the same subject in every class is repetitive. Why isn't there any subjects talking about Real Life issues, How to defend yourself, and of course the most important learning how to understand how to pay bills?
I somewhat agree. You don’t necessarily have to have a lot of things in common, though. Just a few things is fine, but I couldn’t see myself with someone I didn’t have anything in common with. Regardless of these things though, I think a lot of us are in love with the idea of love, and for what? I think loving yourself is important. No need to get that love from someone else.
I totally agree. I just think it's sad that there are some people out there (and sadly I know two) who are in love with the idea of love and will settle for anyone who tells them all the things they want to hear in order to feel better about themselves. This in turn led to me noticing how little they have in common with their partners and share very few interests which I can't see ending well in the long run.

This is why I'm glad to be single these days. 😂
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I totally agree. I just think it's sad that there are some people out there (and sadly I know two) who are in love with the idea of love and will settle for anyone who tells them all the things they want to hear in order to feel better about themselves. This in turn led to me noticing how little they have in common with one another and share very few interests which I can't see ending well in the long run.

This is why I'm glad to be single these days. 😂
I've definitely been that person in the past and it sucks. I think it was mostly about a desperation to be loved after abusive parents, but that is sooo unhealthy and I ended up trapped in abusive relationships a few times due to this. Nowadays I know myself a lot better and I know I don't NEED to be in a relationship because I learned to like my own company, which in turn means I have more to bring to a relationship as I know my own worth now.

It's also made me aware that emotional connection is what I value above all else. I don't care how someone looks at all, it's all about having a solid emotional bond and anything less isn't good enough for me. I wouldn't make my existence about attracting a mate now and I feel sad seeing others so clearly doing it, even if they don't see it that way. People are worth sooo much more than their relationship alone and can only flourish when they recognise that.
i dont rlly like when ppl make human versions of characters that aren't human...... i didnt get into the fnaf fandom just to see a bunch of humans (even though i do really like the afton family but i digress, you know what i mean) i just want to see the animatronics
this is also a problem in cookie run, people are always debating about the human versions of some of the cookies and its just like ??????? draw them as cookies and you wouldn't have that problem
I went to look for cookie run fanart for my friend and it was sooo difficult to find actual Cookie fanart

its just annoying tbh draw what u want but its just a pet peeve of mine
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I’ll never understand people who get together and seemingly have nothing in common outside of mutual attraction. Relationships should be more than just fancying/falling in love with one another. I also don’t buy into the whole opposites attract nonsense either. You either love someone wholeheartedly (hobbies & passions included) or your just in love with the fact you’re in a relationship instead.
I agree this is so weird, like how can you trust someone you have never met or don't like with such an intimate and vulnerable act.

Yeah I read a book called the defining decade and it talked about how the most successful couples tended to have somewhat similar big 5 personalities. The idea of opposites attract is pretty romantic and I admit I somewhat like the idea, but I don't think it is very practical. Maybe opposites in some ways, but not in every way.
100% agree with all the stuff, sure "opposites" may be fun and exciting at first when you see different views and such but I don't think that works well in a long-term relationship. Like what do you do outside work and kids, having endless debates and only doing things with your respective friends and never together?
I don’t like smart home technology. I don’t want to live in a house that knows when I’m sleeping and sees me when I’m awake.
Completely agree. I now have an Alexa circle thing in my house (husband purchased) and it creeps me out. I also just read something in the news about it telling a kid to touch a penny to an electrical outlet? What the heck?!?
Completely agree. I now have an Alexa circle thing in my house (husband purchased) and it creeps me out. I also just read something in the news about it telling a kid to touch a penny to an electrical outlet? What the heck?!?
yeah that was on the news here too... the fact they sell stuff like that should be enough to sue them.
I don’t know if it’s been posted here already or not but- Tik Tok. I‘ve looked at it maybe three or four times in two years. Everyone told me to avoid it or I’d become hooked. Everyone I know IS hooked. I don’t get it! I thought maybe it was an age thing but most people my age seem to love it. It’s just not very interesting to me 🤷🏻‍♀️

Also- shoes! If they fit well and are comfortable, I’m good to go. I don’t need them to match my outfit or have a brand name. I don’t need 10 pairs. I kind of wish I loved shoe shopping as much as others seem to 😆
Okay I really need to say this because this is something that needs to be said. Saying "I'm busy" when you're trying to talk with someone is a poor excuse and it makes socializing a lot more difficult. While I understand there are things that are going on in real life I would appreciate it people would be more clear of what they are "busy" with. This happened to me last year with my old friend who refused to talk to me and then the next day they say "I'm sorry I was too busy" like okay? It should not be this hard to reply to a message when I've been waiting for so long.

This is a perfect example of "ghosting" and anyone who thinks this is a way to end friendships or relationships clearly doesn't know what harm it can do to another person. Is it too much to ask just to reply to a message that somehow takes days or months? What are you truly busy with? I'm sorry for the rant, but this is just a common occurrence that seems to happen too much. Ghosting is never okay and saying "I'm busy" is a poor excuse of explaining what is really going on.
I understand about the ghosting part. My best friend of several years ghosted me for over a year. We met on a different Animal Crossing forum, and took our friendship on Snapchat. She completely ghosted for a whole year without any explanation. Then, she tells me she lost access to her original account. I thought that excuse was very vague. Like, why couldn’t she just add me on a new account? I still feel like there’s more to the story, but I’m not pushing it. Still, we are talking again, but it’s not the same.

Ghosting hurts more, the longer you’ve known the person.I don’t think you have to talk a lot to be friends with someone, but ghosting and saying you’re busy too many times is unacceptable. There are times when I’m busy, but I reply when I can. I don’t outright say “oh, I’m busy.”
Here’s an unpopular sports opinion: College football is wayyyy better than the NFL in every way. I know college football is only really big in the south, but I just prefer it. As someone who spent a lot of time in Tennessee and Alabama, their passion for college football is unmatched.
Okay I really need to say this because this is something that needs to be said. Saying "I'm busy" when you're trying to talk with someone is a poor excuse and it makes socializing a lot more difficult. While I understand there are things that are going on in real life I would appreciate it people would be more clear of what they are "busy" with. This happened to me last year with my old friend who refused to talk to me and then the next day they say "I'm sorry I was too busy" like okay? It should not be this hard to reply to a message when I've been waiting for so long.

Maybe "I'm busy" means "I don't want conversation" or "I just want to be on my own" but saying that would come across as ignorant, dismissive or that there's something wrong which itself will turn into an hour of "look, nothing is wrong, I just want to be on my own, leave me the **** alone". Perhaps they just feel drained, overwhelmed or they simply just want to sit in their underwear eating cake and playing games. Maybe it's something really personal they don't want to open the door to further questioning with. Perhaps they're just having an absolutely awful day and want to sit and have a bit of a cry on their own. Whatever somebody is "busy" with is absolutely none of your business and absolutely nobody should have to tell you more than "I'm busy" if they don't want to. You're not entitled to a detailed answer in the same way you're not entitled to a conversation on demand.

I hate this modern entitled mindset social media and instant messaging has brought. Everybody has a device in their pocket now so everybody is expected to reply instantly, instant gratification on demand. The main thing I hate though, that these apps now tell you that a message has been seen. Everybody hates being left on seen but do you know what I hate far more? Sitting around doing absolutely nothing enjoying how comfortable my ass is on the couch because I'm totally drained from work and then I pick up my phone and curiously read a message from somebody. Now what do I do? Do I just leave them on seen? I'll tell them I'm busy. They're asking why, what do I say? I can't tell them I'm busy doing pretty much nothing because that sounds like I'm just being ignorant and dismissive with them, which I am, which I would be with literally anybody at that moment in time and I should be allowed to be because nobody is entitled to my time if I don't want to give it, especially if I'm in my own house, my 'safe space' where I shouldn't feel forced to do anything I don't want to do. Now they're asking me to do things and I have to tell them I would literally rather sit and do nothing right now than hang out with them which sounds awful but it's true. Now I feel like an ******* because I just don't feel up to dealing with social interactions right now but I've either been forced into it or forced to be ignorant all because it tells people I've seen a message so they're expecting an instant reply. Even if it doesn't say seen, "I sent it at 5PM! Why haven't you replied? I demand answers! Give me attention!"

If I tell somebody "I'm busy", it means I'm busy. If I don't tell them what I'm busy with, it's absolutely 100% none of their business BUT they can and should take it as "I've seen your message and I'm replying to you so you know I'm not ignoring you, I'll message back properly when I get around to it and have finished doing whatever it is I'm busy with". It's not a poor excuse, it's an answer to something the person either doesn't have time or didn't want to be doing in the first place.

Now ghosting, that's different, hence why I opted not to quote that part of your post.
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No one is saying anything about you Tao. They're saying using the 'I'm busy' excuse all the time is usually code for they don't have any time for you. And being someone who often juggled school, many jobs at the same time, and hobbies, I still made time for those that mattered to me. Not all the time, I'll give you that, but moment here or there over the course of a month/year is not that difficult.

If someone can't do that or if they ghost you for well over a year, you didn't really matter to them. I've mentioned a friend I used to have here quite a bit, but I had the same situation with them. Finally just cut them out.

Taking some time to recharge from friends, family, or whoever is different than giving a lame 'busy' excuse all the time. I personally don't know Vantias' friend, but if they do it a lot, like my one friend did all the time, then it can get old. Especially when we would plan things and they'd bail at the last second. Almost just as much. Busy being a flake lol.

You really went hard on them and kind of out of nowhere.
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