The Unpopular Opinions thread

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I really don't understand how people can drink sparkling water, it's just such a weird texture for water.

Interesting. I found myself being able to switch from pop to sparkling water solely because of that carbonation. I used to think it was the sugary sweetness in specific I loved in pop, but it was actually mostly the carbonation.

I'm so glad I found sparkling water, because I can't take medications with regular water. It used to be something that tethered me to pop, but sparkling water works just as well.
Red Velvet Cake anything is just a bunch of red dye and not appetizing. Carrot and Pumpkin cake did cream cheese frosting the best of all time.
Red velvet cake kinda just tastes like chocolate? I don't understand why everyone seems to think it's an amazing flavour. I had it once for my birthday, excited to FINALLY try it after hearing so much praise.

It turned out to just be average and I was so sad lol.
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Shows that last for a freaking decade or for so long and get so many seasons annoye me so much! That goes for both anime and regular tv shows. Just wrap it up already! does it have to meander for that long?!! Oh and let me add manga, too.
Red Velvet Cake anything is just a bunch of red dye and not appetizing. Carrot and Pumpkin cake did cream cheese frosting the best of all time.

Thank you! People say Red Velvet is so good but it's really not that hype. Someone told me it's chocolate cake dyed red, and I love chocolate so I thought I'd like Red Velvet. No. I mean it's not terrible, but it's not my go-to. Red Velevet is still over hyped.
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Shows that last for a freaking decade or for so long and get so many seasons annoye me so much! That goes for both anime and regular tv shows. Just wrap it up already! does it have to meander for that long?!! Oh and let me add manga, too.
Unless it's a really good show I agree. Half the time the gap between seasons is so long that I forget what's even going on.
People who post too much on Instagram/social media in general really get on my nerves, even if they are posting educational materials. I'm all for people using their social media platforms in the way that they want, but if your Instagram story starts looking like a bunch of dots rather than lines, I think maybe it's time to consider reducing what you put in that story.

I've noticed this especially in recent times with BLM activism. It's so great to see many of my friends posting BLM educational materials, but disappointingly, I've also seen some of those people becoming very dismissive of those who are beginning to become fatigued or burnt by the constant activist posts. Yes, it's important for people to become educated, but I think that people also need to be engaged and open to be educated in order for that education to happen. It's not 'weak' or 'close-minded' to want to take a break for the sake of your own health. If you're posting all the time, I think people are just more likely to tune you out or skip your stories altogether.

Just like how we don't try to jam a million lessons into one school day, people should focus on choosing a few effective posts for their story/social media a day and give people more time to interact with that content, so as not to overwhelm them.
Shows that last for a freaking decade or for so long and get so many seasons annoye me so much! That goes for both anime and regular tv shows. Just wrap it up already! does it have to meander for that long?!! Oh and let me add manga, too.
I hate when they milk the show until they destroy it.
I hate the word bop when it's used to describe music. It just sounds so cringey.
I can agree. I think of Kids Bop.

I hate the word "oof" to describe something unfortunate happening.
People who post too much on Instagram/social media in general really get on my nerves, even if they are posting educational materials. I'm all for people using their social media platforms in the way that they want, but if your Instagram story starts looking like a bunch of dots rather than lines, I think maybe it's time to consider reducing what you put in that story.

I've noticed this especially in recent times with BLM activism. It's so great to see many of my friends posting BLM educational materials, but disappointingly, I've also seen some of those people becoming very dismissive of those who are beginning to become fatigued or burnt by the constant activist posts. Yes, it's important for people to become educated, but I think that people also need to be engaged and open to be educated in order for that education to happen. It's not 'weak' or 'close-minded' to want to take a break for the sake of your own health. If you're posting all the time, I think people are just more likely to tune you out or skip your stories altogether.

Just like how we don't try to jam a million lessons into one school day, people should focus on choosing a few effective posts for their story/social media a day and give people more time to interact with that content, so as not to overwhelm them.
I agree. I don't mind posts within decent amount but when they start calling out generally that you are racist because you're not with them, comment, follow etc. and not being out like... Sorry I'm not getting out for the chance being hurt or sick how selfish it might sounds. You can support other ways.
Ppl love to gatekeep others because they first heard a song on tiktok and I think that's toxic and immature. For example Melanie Martinez's song "Play Date". Ppl saying "Who else was here before tiktok claimed it??", "Sad this song got famous because of tiktok..", "I was here way before this song blew up." Like okay? Do you want a gold star or something?? I don't understand this mindset, you should be happy that this song and more importantly the artist is getting the recognition they deserve. Better late than never they say.
If you have seen the Tom and Jerry movie from 1993, I have an unpopular opinion related to that.

Robyn, one of the human characters, did not deserve all that hate from people who watched the movie. The reason why she was hated has nothing to do with her character, but rather with the movie. But to be honest, the Tom and Jerry movie was poorly received, and became one of the many non-Disney animated movies released between Oliver & Company and The Emperor’s New Groove that was not well-received. Typically, animated films released in theaters from the 90s that are not made by Disney or its branches fail or receive bad ratings. There were a few exceptions, but the Tom and Jerry movie wasn’t one of them.
I don't like it when people respond to questions with "y".

I know it's an easy, fast way to say "yes", but I've been on the internet too long so it reads as "why" to me. I always have to play the mental roulette of "did they say yes or are they asking me why".​
I don't like it when people respond to questions with "y".

I know it's an easy, fast way to say "yes", but I've been on the internet too long so it reads as "why" to me. I always have to play the mental roulette of "did they say yes or are they asking me why".​

I've never saw someone use it as "yes" so this is new to me
I've never saw someone use it as "yes" so this is new to me
Same... Sometimes I read it as "and" in Spanish which makes it.. uh. I think I use it as "why" sometimes but it happens rarely.

Sorry for cursing ya'll with having to question if people are saying "why" or "yes."

Almost every single one of my friends does it and it drives me up the walls. I also run in to it in online gaming quite a lot which is horrible since I generally won't have the time to decipher what they mean.​
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