The Villager Giveaway Thread!

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Chops is moving out on the first. I can Tt. Hurry though since. Have major timetraveling to do. Question: if someone wants to move out on August first but I'm going back to April does this mean no one will move out?

They will still move out! However many days thy have until the date they plan to move is still in effect!
Oh and BTW guys, people have been saying if you lose a villager, you can reinvite it as long as its the exact same villager.
Unfortunately, THIS IS NOT TRUE.
Just tried it myself, the villager doesn't ask to come back.
They will still move out! However many days thy have until the date they plan to move is still in effect!

So if i tt'd to Wednesday 24th that's the day he's going to be all packed up and gone? I'm on the 28th right now when he told me.
So if i tt'd to Wednesday 24th that's the day he's going to be all packed up and gone? I'm on the 28th right now when he told me.

No. If you TT back to a certain date then proceed forward, then in however many days they will move out. So say he moved in 4 days...I'm on the 18th currently. If I TT back to the 1st, and let my game run forward, he will move out in the same number of days. Scene your jumping back and forth, I'm not sure on if. Moving back and forth counts as days. I haven't had that situation yet.
Sigh.. almost had Wolfgang, but the person scouting him for me said "I didn't know what he looks like" and they're probably keeping him ;_;
If anyone sees Wolfgang or Marshal pleease let me know :3
Big Top, from the town of Juban, is packed up and ready to move!

Those who have this animal as a dream villager will be a priority.


The current villagers of Juban

Big Top

I do NOT take reservations for animals!
I posted a thread that I would give all my stuff away for Merengue and Beanie said they'd reserve her for me and didn't need anything in return :3 I'm dyyiing <3
I posted a thread that I would give all my stuff away for Merengue and Beanie said they'd reserve her for me and didn't need anything in return :3 I'm dyyiing <3
Aww happy to hear you are finally getting Merengue after all the trouble you went through yesterday! :D Congrats
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