The War of the Mushroom Kingdom


Ganondorf and his army is advancing; prepare for war! But alas, we only have a couple of people! What are we to do? I suggest we flee and hide in the Southern Mountains. What are the opinions of the Second General and the General's Assistant? (PIKMIN042 and BAMBAM!)
*takes supplies*

You guys better hurry.

*looks at map*

We don't have too much time left until they come. They should be here in less than an hour. They'll be hot on our trail!
SPORGE27 said:
i think I may start a war with you some time...

*takes a few steps away from SPORGE27*

RUN EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PIRANHA2 said:
i dont run like a coward! *starts running*

lets go into the tree's and ambush them!
With how many people? 3? Ganondorf has a thousand-man army! *puts PIKMIN042 and PIRANHA2 in a bag* *runs with bag toward Southern Mountains* I CAN SEE GANON!!!!!! *runs faster*
Bowser's Minions are approuching at full speed as well! My Messenger, by the name of Gureno, is here, and is about to tell you something.

Gureno - Bowser's Army has met with Ganon and are currently discussing how to destroy us. They are going to discuss a whole day, so we have time to run and find refuge in the Southern Mountains.
BAMBAM! said:
hahaha thats right run you coward!
You can discuss your plans with Ganondorf, but we have some tricks up our sleeves as well!

*digs in sleeves*

Uh.... there's nothing there..... see ya, Bowser & Ganon!