The Wishing Star (Crews 1 & 2)

You fishies need to donate to Sasha you don`t want another boring fish collectible (sorry...) you want the amazing cool meme creative never even thought of before Actually, Nevermind collectible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
I want to see it and I know you want to see it too!
nothing but respect for MY mascots

do it for them.jpg
I think the Galaxalotls should let us win this one, simply because an Actually Nevermind collectible would objectively be funnier 😷
The only reason why Shrunk has more stardust is because the Galaxolotls have apples that can roll to pick up stardust. Do you guys have stardust-collecting apples too?
I think the Galaxalotls should let us win this one, simply because an Actually Nevermind collectible would objectively be funnier 😷
I want my Shrunk Funk Shuffle collectible I’m sorry. I can’t let you win😭