“Assorted” Collector
when's path 2 going to open?
That's what I'm trying to find out too.
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when's path 2 going to open?
quick question, i saw some user with candies from the Woods Expedition Guide even though the candies haven't came in store yet. Why?
Can we get a permanent Wix collectible though? Pretty please?
Can we get a permanent Wix collectible though? Pretty please?
Yes please! I would really like to have one.Can we get a permanent Wix collectible though? Pretty please?
I was wondering about this too because I would like my candies to have either my birthday or Halloween as the date I buy them.Are the candies going to be limited? or will they all be unlimited besides the pink? I really want to get a purple before I get a blue so they can go with my eggies, but I don't want to not buy a blue when they're released and then not be able to get another once the purples get released...