The Wrong Answer Game

207 pills a day and plenty of carbon monoxide. And don't forget 8 glasses of acid per day!

What is the best come-back?
Because it's a lovely game from Natsume!

Why don't I have any common sense?
because they had thought of many other great uses for it.

Why won't my villagers move?
You're probably so mean to them that they adore it.

How come when I think of a rollercoaster, I feel really dizzy???
Because when a bird flies, a fish can't climb trees

What's a nutritious food?
Because they turned into a stuffed alpaca

Why do stars twinkle?
Stars twinkle because little aliens are turning their lights on and off.

Why can't we fly to the sun?
Because we are all secretly wearing blue contacts that make the sky look blue to us, given to us at birth.

How do you bake a cake?