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Things that they should have in AC3DS

We already have Rover asking you for your name, your gender, and your birthday, why not your ethnicity? XD
We already have Rover asking you for your name, your gender, and your birthday, why not your ethnicity? XD

would you just go with the ethnicity that goes with what skin tone you have? I'm mixed with a whole bunch of stuff but i have a whiter skin color with a slight tan. And there would be so many xD
The skin color should just be a selectable thing without having any questions asked to you.
You make your new town, it goes through the starting stuff, etc etc. Asks your name, and it should have at that point what skin color you would want. Without bringing it up at all in the dialog.
The skin color should just be a selectable thing without having any questions asked to you.
You make your new town, it goes through the starting stuff, etc etc. Asks your name, and it should have at that point what skin color you would want. Without bringing it up at all in the dialog.

It should just havd a skintone selection.
I'm multi-ethnic but I'm pale white like a ghost!
I don't like any part of my character prefectly matching the real me.
Oh they should make the character completely customizable! Hair length, eye shape, etc!
Also with town tunes for the chiming of bells to say the new hour, they should have it so you can make real sounding tunes!
That's kind of weird though, as your name and birthday aren't usually known when seeing someone for the first time. Can be the same with gender, in some rare cases.

Skin tone is obvious when talking to someone. If I were having a conversation with you, I could easily tell you what color your skin was. So asking what your skin color is would take away from that casual conversation feel that you get when starting, and make it actually feel like you're creating a character (which yes, you are doing, but you know what I mean)

Plus asking what your ethnicity was could bring problems if they didn't put an option for a specific ethnicity. It's not like a standardized assessment where you can mark "other" or "prefer not to answer".

I think that if you want a darker complexion, you should just go out and get a tan like it's been for the past 3 games.

I kind of agree with Prof Gallows- if the option is going to be there, it shouldn't be apart of the conversation.
Definitely shouldn't be apart of the conversation. If they DO put it in, which I almost highly doubt they will, they should do it when your character is finished and you get to see your character. You would then pick the skin tone you want, (nothing to do with ethnicity) either with a slider (left for lighter right for darker) or with already chosen colors like with your Mii character. But I agree, if you want a darker complexion, you would just give your character a tan.
I don't want ethnically specific skintones.
I meant like if your making a character for games how some games have odd skintones or light to dark to odd colors/patterned skintones.

Anyway, I'd prefer more hair styles and eye shapes to skintones.
I want to be able to make my character completely out there!
I would also prefer more furnature options.
I saw in the preview a sofa with heart pillows that matched the heart shirt the character was wearing, stuff like that excites me!
The island would be cool (especially if you don't need another system to get into it) and expansions for Mable and Sable's shop would be good. Oh, and NES games (I can't believe they took them out). Also, seasonal changes! I know the mushroom-picking, snow and grass changes count as seasonal changes, but I'm thinking of flowers. They could have different flowers growing in different seasons. Of course, since I live in Australia, all the seasons are muddled up and it makes me annoyed. Hopefully, they fix that. A few other stores and real food would be nice, too. As long as Nintendo makes as many changes as possible (good changes), I'm fine with waiting until mid 2012... :)
There needs to be more reptile neighbors.
Alligators are great and everything, but I'd like to see some frilled lizards, like Frillard in the city, and turtles.
There needs to be more reptile neighbors.
Alligators are great and everything, but I'd like to see some frilled lizards, like Frillard in the city, and turtles.

Now I can agree with new neighbors.
Crocs and Aligators look about the same.
Adding in neighbors like Frilled Lizards, Turtles, Geckos, Etc would be nice.
I know you've seen the former mayor, frillard, k'napp, kapp'n, redd, and tom nook.
How about some neighbours from other speices of basic types?
It's not that I don't like the skintone idea.
I just don't think it's relavent to/needed for Animal Crossing.
I'd just rather have the hair and eye options than the skintone option.

Yup, agree with this
- I wouldn't mind there being more bugs and fish, though I'm pretty sure that's gonna happen anyway

- Maybe some more flower species, I mean, in City Folk, the introduction of carnations were nice, but even still, those could only be obtained on Fathers/Mothers Day, and they only had 3 colors. I think maybe one or two new species would be nice

- Many new furniture series, I mean many more. I know they're going to put in a few, but I'd love for there to be many more

Idk there's more, all I can think of right now
They should get more hairstyles and shoes. I'm tired of having to pick from a limited amount of hairstyles and shoes...