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Things that they should have in AC3DS

They could make the city bigger, have more uses, and make it Wi-Fi enabled if you have Wi-Fi.

You could meet other AC players there, and your friends could go there with you.
There could be servers (with passwords), so you and your friends can play there.

Street Pass!!
Well amimal crossing is made to be a town with animals right? Well ive been feeling left out because im human. Wouldent it be cool if YOU could play as an animal too? I wanna be a tiger :3
This is a idea i REALLY want

Well amimal crossing is made to be a town with animals right? Well ive been feeling left out because im human. Wouldent it be cool if YOU could play as an animal too? I wanna be a tiger :3
I wanna be a tiger

Well you know how everyone is a animal? Why caint we be an animal too? Ive always wanted that in the game. In the beganing when they ask question like "whats you name" and stuff? Well they should ask "are you an animal or a human?" and if you press animal a catagory pop up with a list of animals and witch ever one you pic you can be. You know clubpenguin? They are animals and they have hair and clothes so why caint animal crossing?
Well you know how everyone is a animal? Why caint we be an animal too? Ive always wanted that in the game. In the beganing when they ask question like "whats you name" and stuff? Well they should ask "are you an animal or a human?" and if you press animal a catagory pop up with a list of animals and witch ever one you pic you can be. You know clubpenguin? They are animals and they have hair and clothes so why caint animal crossing?

that would be a completly different game, you wouldnt feel unique, just another neighbor
IF we could, Id be an eagle (because of Apollo, hes awesome and the only friend i have a picture of)
Hmmm, I think they should add a few more collectibles to the game; bugs, fish, fossils, furniture, etc. like a lot of people have suggested; to get something new and fresh in the game.
Maybe some new events they didn't have in previous games could be put in; I'm trying to remember but I don't remember them having a Valentines day or Easter (I understand though if they didn't include Easter, since it's a religious holiday...).
I personally think it would be cool if your neighbors could move in with you for a while, or possibly; I know this is going to sound terrible but it's life, have to move in because their house needs renovation or fixing from an event that might have occurred.
Also, I liked the city in City Folk; even though I didn't visit often, but maybe to fit the more quite not-so-modern air to the town you could instead go to a farmer's market? Maybe they could sell different types of fruit; and on Sundays Turnips. Eh I don't know, just my thoughts... xD
There was an Easter event in city folk. A bunny hid some eggs that either included candy or bunny foil. Each bunny foil gave you a random Easter furniture.

I hope that they bring back the events from gamecube.
There was an Easter event in city folk. A bunny hid some eggs that either included candy or bunny foil. Each bunny foil gave you a random Easter furniture.

I hope that they bring back the events from gamecube.

Ah guess I missed that then.
(My City Folk game went MIA a while ago when I let my mom borrow my system.)

I hope so too, those were always fun. c:
Well you know how EVERYONE is an animal exept us? I feel left out :( and ive always wanted to play a role of an animal so Why caint WE be the animals? I wanna be a tiger :( ya knw how in the beganing they ask questins like "r u a boy or girl?" well they should ask r u a animal or human?" and if u press yes a screen of diffrent animals will pop up and you can chouse which one, and the animals can have skirts and new hair too like you know clubpenguin? Well the penguins have hair and clothes so why caint it be like that?
Nook not having hours... That really annoyed me that every shop had different hours. I liked the WW hours, each upgrade staying the same.
Option to end a wi-fi session without saving.
A notification that notifies you when someone cuts down your trees, runs over flowers, runs, etc.
More personalities.
The balls from AC:GC.
The jobs from AC:GC.
Aerobics day from AC:GC.
Able Sister's expansions.
Travelling to other islands.
Scuba diving.
More dialog for neighbors.
New events.
The ability to create new events.
The removal of the city.
I think that you can use the bus or have your own car(parked in a small area by the bus station, which should be a train :p) that you can drive to the city with and drive around the city(since they should add more stuff like an arcade etc.
Since sheep can wear scarfs. It would be nice it humans could, too.
The scarf is a pretty awesome idea. I like the car idea, too. It would be cool to design the swimsuits you wear to go swimming, and have the ability to design wallpapers and carpets that aren't just repeated tiles of the same design.

Hopefully they put pants on all the male characters who looked like they were wearing dresses.
My thread has gotten almost 15 Pages?! wow!

My ideas: if your 3DS battery is low on Wi-fi, your head will have a red battery icon
Would be awesome if you could take screenshots just like City Folk! Also, I want new Able Sisters music and PRO Patterns.
I want something that is an accessory/shirt, that acts as a mosquito repellent, as in when you wear it, Mosquito's wont go near you. It annoys me when you're fishing and a mosquito gets you and you miss your fishy <><

Doubt it will happen though. Nor do I care if they put it in.