This new site is terrible

I mean it's definitely better than the last version (still trying to get that out of my head) but still no cigar. TBT is too minimalistic rn. While I do love minimalistic styles, I don't think that works for this type of forum. Animal crossing is a colorful game and this site chooses to be bland and simple?!
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It's just a more modernized version of 2.0.. I don't see any problems with it......
It might seem difficult to get used to a new layout when you've been using a different one for years. That doesn't mean that the new one is terrible, it's just different. Of course, you're entitled to your opinion, but I think it's only fair to give TBT 3.0 a chance before labeling it as such. As mentioned, some of its features aren't fully up and running, and I'm sure the staff will try their hardest to make this place the best it can be.
I actually really like the new layout! Sure it'll take sometime getting used to, but that's a given. The look of 3.0 is so modern/sleek, I actually love it. Give it some time and maybe you'll reconsider.
I like some stuff about it! I like the inbox and notification alerts now! They're a lot more practical. I'm a little disappointed I can't have an animated image seeing as I spent TBT to have it! But this will most likely be changed I'm sure! I also wonder how collectibles will look! So far it seems like a work in progress but something to look forward to!
So far, I wouldn't say I dislike the new forum, I just need to get used to it haha xD But yeah it's a learning experience for everyone, and just because somethings may be different than before, doesn't mean it's bad; we just need to get used to the new features, and along with that, they are likely still working out the kinks as this is very very new :D
I have always appreciated the efforts of the Bell Tree staff in giving us this free forum to express ourselves about the game we all enjoy.A lot of new things take time to get just right so I think some patience is in order.Look at the bugs New Horizons has out of the box.For those that have spoken negatively about TBT 3.0 on this thread(yes,I know you have the right to your opinions),go check out any of the other dedicated Animal Crossing forums.I think you'll find a new appreciation for this place.
Honestly I'm really liking the new forum! If you don't like something, its better to be constructive about it. Just insulting the work that the admins have been painstakingly trying to do is incredibly rude.

Sure the load times are dreadful, but its to be expected when everyone is flooding the forums to either see the new design or interact with others. I also think its quite minimalist in that there could be a lot more color/theme options/etc.

But also, its brand new and I think its working quite well all things considered. I think the new conversations in DMs are extremely useful, especially how we can now edit them if we make a mistake, instead of flooding people's notifications with new PM threads to clarify something.
I like typing on this forum. It feels fresh to me!! There was nothing wrong with the old forum indeed but I think its nice to freshen up every so often, especially if the old TBT 2.0 had been used for as long as it was.
The Admins have worked very hard on this new layout and it is a very welcomed change after 10+ years. You may not feel the same because youre so new, but for people that have been here for a long time, its nice.

Not to mention, there are still a lot of fixes and changes that will take place in the upcoming days.
Just give it time and you will see that its not so bad.

Idk, I've been here since 2013 and I don't like it changing? I'm not saying it shouldn't have been changed, but let's not blame someone's opinion on their newness.
I remember when I was on a Card Gaming Site once and it did change and everybody was like: „OMG, I hate it!“ But after a while everyone was okay with it lol.

I find this Layout very cool and I like the Old Phone Signal Loading Feature on the Top. The only thing which was a little bit confusing was the Quoting. But I figured it out.

Also yeah, it pretty slow atm, but I’m sure it will get fixed.