This new site is terrible

I like navigating this one on mobile more than the old forum. What is it that you dont like about it?
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The new layout reminds me of Bulbagarden's layout - Which I personally have liked much more than The Bell Tree's older version for years now.

I.e.: This isn't new to me at all, and I'm enjoying it. Hopefully all the bugs will get smoothed out over time!
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I think they're still going do some minor changes cause i've noticed a few things off; other than that i think it's great just WAY different so it's going to take some getting used to.
I agree w/ justin you should of made this post a little more constructive... :c makes me feel bad for the mods, they've been working on this for a long time so it's a little rude.
new things always have teething problems and loads of things are still being ironed out r/n
let's give all the peeps working on it a hand for their selfless efforts to bring us something new and improved especially during such a stressful time irl :)
maybe you don't like it cuz it's new?? it's a big change so i'm sure not everyone's gonna like it right away. not only that, there's still a lot of things to be done.
I just want a way to switch to desktop while on mobile.

It's the same website. This is the wonders of modern web development. Some browsers have a "request desktop site" button, which, while it won't actually change much for this website now, will force the viewport to be larger, effectively emulating the big-screen experience on a small screen.
It's the same website. This is the wonders of modern web development. Some browsers have a "request desktop site" button, which, while it won't actually change much for this website now, will force the viewport to be larger, effectively emulating the big-screen experience on a small screen.
Yep. That's what I want.
Weren't you just saying the website is too plain?
Yes, but I'm not saying it's terrible. People are complaining about the layout being terrible and the biggest reason is that it's new. Patience is required to learn and master the new layout and a lot of people seem to overlook that.

I don't mind the layout change and do think it will require some patience and practice to learn. However, I cannot say I am a fan of the design of the forums (not the layout) That doesn't have much to do with patience, although there is always the chance that it might grow on me. Thank you for asking this question because I am sure many others were also confused about where exactly I stand in all of this and I apologize for making that so unclear.
I usually don't like change... but I like the new TBT :) It's modern and clear. No complaints from me.
Xenforo is leaps and bounds better than vBulletin. Way more functional, far better UX/UI, and it actually offers a usable mobile version. I've been posting on two other forums for years, one uses Xenforo and the other uses vB, and the difference is night and day.

Also, saying "it's horrible, I don't like it" without even takin the time to explain exactly you dislike sounds like hatespam. You wanna be heard, then, you gotta express yourself better. Childish attitudes won't make your complaints more valid and won't help your case either.
I love the new forums. Between the better design and features, it was a great change.
I can remember this happening every time Facebook/Instagram changed their layout. Yes, it’s different but things can’t stay the same forever and we were definitely due an upgrade! if there are specific things that bother you then maybe the staff could look into it but generally I think itll just take a little time to adjust. Personally I really like it :)
While I understand the change might not sit well with some people at first, but the best you can do before making a final opinion is to at least try to get used to it. I'm the type who normally doesn't like change, but I know the staff put so much effort over the past few weeks to get us this updated version of the site we all love. I'm still getting a feel for everything still, but I know with the coming weeks they will continue to add back old and new features that I'm sure will make the experience more enjoyable. Change is inevitable when everything around you is evolving, but in the end it's for the best. With that said, I like the new layout, but I know once I get used to it I will like it more :)
I personally loved it but really trashing it doesn't convey anything like constructive criticism that could be used to help improve this site, tbh. The site does feel more modern and up to standards of today though I do understand there are a few things that might irritate you but some info on why you're upset could be used.
I don't like it either. Saw it and said ew.
can't figure out how to upload sig picture from my computer images anymore,
can't use my old animated avatar,
can't figure out several BB code things that I used to use,
Granted maybe I just haven't figure it out yet, but it seems convoluted and messy. Don't like it.
I've been looking forward to this update, especially with how sleek and modern it looks. Of course, I do understand where your sentiments come from (I've been there in regards to a few other sites I've been to over the years).

As for your concerns about those specific things:
  1. You need to host your sig image elsewhere (ie. Any image or file hosting site that allows direct image links, such as imgur, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.), hit the 'Insert Image' button and paste your url into the box that pops up shortly after.

  2. Animated avatars are currently disabled, as are any other TBT/Shop features, such as User Title Colors, Collectibles, etc. As I recall, a staff member replied to a thread (made by a user who couldn't use animated avatars a couple of days before TBT 3.0 launched) earlier today and stated that those features would eventually be back.

  3. Not sure how to help on that front, since I rarely dabbled in manual BB code myself. Most things are streamlined and available at a press of a button now.
I’m not going to say what others have been saying about constructive criticism since that’s been said a ton now, but I will say that change is inevitable anyway. I remember one of my friends mentioning that the change could have even happened sooner than now, but I’m just glad it’s updated with the release of the new game to be honest. Vbulletin was getting old...
I think my only issue is it's too gigantic and too up close! I'm at Zoom 80% right now! Also wish it was slightly darker. The brightness despite my laptop brightness is 0 is blinding to me lol.