Thoughts on the New Years Event


Sweets Lover
Jan 26, 2020
Crystal Reindeer
Cosmic Radioactive Orbiting Spectral #20
Death Angel Mushroom Lamp
Starry Mushroom Lamp
Blue Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Caustic Crystal
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Lily of the Valley
Snowflake Glow Wand
It was pretty good! It's mostly the same as New Years down to the timing of when the villagers appear for the countdown (30 min before) and them putting on a hat if you talk to them twice. The song that plays from 10 to 5 minutes is a serious bop but the other songs were great too. Once it gets to 1 minute it locks the camera view so that you can see the whole plaza and the sky better, and how the animals react for the countdown is super cute and really elevated the moment! I liked how they zoomed up to the sky right before it hit midnight, too. The one slight problem I had was that the plaza gets a bit cramped haha

I've been doing New Years in Animal Crossing in some form since 2005 (except for one year I believe) and it always gets me into the mood. If you're still debating if it's worth doing, I'd definitely recommend it!

Tomorrow I'll have to see what item we get, I haven't spoiled myself yet :lemon:
i've gone to new years a couple of times now while time travelling, i'm not sure if theres more to it when u play it in normal time
anyway it was a fun celebration, i liked the cheer the villagers do in the last minute and when they put hats on was really cute

i played wii party a lot growing up, and the new years music sounds a bit like the music from spin-off (one of the games in wii party)
but that's cool because that music is pretty lit
I liked it, the event is very cute! :) Almost all of my villagers were on the plaza, just two were in their houses celebrating on their own (was cute to see as well!).

I've never celebrated the new year in AC, despite playing it since 2007... And in this case, yes I did time travel because I am celebrating the actual new year with my boyfriend in five hours from now:)

Happy new year everyone in advance!
I didn't know it was an achievement, and wasn't going to stay up all night just for a game, so I just TT'd back to just before midnight to get it.
I counted down with a friend in game and on voice chat :) was nice to be together that way even though we couldn’t be together irl. I have it on film now too because of the switch 30 sec film mechanic thingy.
The light stick thing was adorable, the only thing that confused/surprised me was that the music was different from Wild World. But then xD I looked up the old games, and found out that unlike the other holidays the new year’s music has always varied lol 😂
I guess I only ever counted down in wild world before and thought that was the new year music, despite having played all games lol
I too though the NY event was great, i really enjoyed it, I must say its a mirror to RL NY expect the part where pp go to party afters and get drunk. I fell the NY party was lovely, the dialogues before the official NY and the dialogues after the NY are great, some are hilarious like Kitty saying that her 2021 resolution is that she once to blow it all up all around the island like the fireworks, hahahahah, i was like kitty careful or you might have to sleep at the police office station ( if we had one lol). The camera roll for the better view of the show, the fireworks and having Isabell and tom out all dress and all? absolutely a blast.

To be honest 10/10 much better and much more fun than Toy day to be honest with ya all, at least for me. Absolutely loved it, short but pretty sweet ❣. Lets see what the first day of 2021 awaits us tomorrow and from there on🤞🤩
New Years Day is all right too. Isabelle gave a short message, there's slow relaxing music playing like in the past, I got a letter from mom, and then when you access the Nook Shop machine it says that since it was closed yesterday anyone who uses it today gets 500 NM and tomorrow your streak will be set to 7+ days. :lemon:

There's a lot of items to get too! 7 in total. In Japan January 1st is the most important holiday of the year and it continues for a few days (almost everyone I know here went back to their families despite the government telling them to stay home) so I think it's fine that these items showed up now. For example, you're not supposed to eat Kagamimochi until the 11th. Although tbh I kind of missed having it region locked haha And Isabelle being the one to give it to you
i tt'd a few hours earlier cause i was too excited lol i thought it was very cute! i enjoyed it a lot, many photo opportunities. the only lame thing was that skye and lolly weren't at the plaza D:
I really loved it!

It's New Years Day for me right now. I time travelled back and played it this morning since I was out for actual New Years.

But the event is so cute! I love how once it hits midnight, the fireworks spell out 2021 and the villagers are waving light sticks, it's adorable. :3
Got plenty of photos as well.

10/10 really cute and good event!
The New Years event was so cute! Oh my goodness I had so much fun with it. I loved talking to the villagers and having them all put on their hats a little bit early and the fireworks were beautiful. I'm so happy that the camera panned away so that it was at the perfect angle to take pictures of the fireworks because I was trying to figure out how I wanted to set up the camera!

I'm also so happy that the villagers got stick lights!! I was worried they'd just get party poppers but ahhh they've all got the cute little stick lights and Sherb keeps waving his around, it's so cute. The music is a ton of fun too!

The only critique of the event I have is how they chose to handle the hats (some islands getting top hats, others getting triangles, and each island only getting a select few colours was silly imo) but aside from that I'm really happy! The plaza looked all cute and festive with the lights and I loved getting to see Isabelle & Tom Nook out from behind the counter today!

Happy New Year, everyone!! 🎉
I thought the event was adorable. Really like the camera view change and it was nice to see so many villagers in one spot
I thought it was simple and sweet love it when my villagers just prance around. Happy new years everyone!
i thought it was adorable. i wasn't expecting much tbh, at least the same as NL, so it definitely surpassed my expectations. i loved the little synchronized cheer they did in the last 10 seconds, even if i couldn't get my character to get in time with them, and the pan-up to give you a good shot of the fireworks was a nice bonus. i only wish they'd implemented something similar for the firework days in august. the hats being soft-locked was a poor choice, honestly, and i really wish they hadn't handled it like that, but that's my only criticism. can't wait to order the new items tomorrow!
i really enjoyed this event!! kinda bummed not all my villagers were there celebrating, but thats just a small thing. i got some nice pictures, love the music, its so cute so see the villagers dance around and hum and to see isabelle smiling!!!
I thought it was really cute! I took a bunch of really nice pictures of the fireworks (love how the camera pans on the square, that was perfect) and stitched them up into a gif with the scroller to post places haha. I love the lightstick and will probably just wave it around randomly throughout the year because it's such a cute item.