Thoughts on the New Years Event

I wanted compare NL New Year Event whit same in NH. I must admit, NH wins... really.
It was splendind, adorable... literally full of life.
Camera focus on the plaza during the event was a briliant idea. Music - some may not like, but I had a feeling like it was some sort of anime-musical.

U know, i think your comment is the first one i read that says a event is better than the one in NL, and although i wanted more from NH is some other events I am happy not only that pp liked the event but that some pp around think that the NH has done at least one event better than NL. I also think the NY event was better than in NL and i very much enjoyed it. thanks for sharing your perspective :D
It was fun, y’know. Nothing suuuuper amazing and my island’s overfilled state plus the additional stuff present in the town square and all my villagers being gathered there made the game lag something fierce but it was still cool. At least the New Year celebration is meant to be something really short, like, a big short celebration, unlike Christmas day which should have been, like... a thing that can last for the whole day and not 9 minutes where you craft three things and then just give random, unseen gifts to people.
I really luked it. It was so cute and I loved the music. I had fun setting off fountian fireworks and party popper and sparklers as well.
I knew from past AC games to save up on sparklers/fountain fireworks from summer to use during NY haha. I kind of like that it's a bit scarcer :lemon:

So far this and the summer fireworks are my favorites events in NH I think! Both mostly the same as NL but in NH I like that we can wear yukata with the proper shape and geta that make the clacking noise and for New Years the camera angles and villager dance is nice. Only thing I missed was those big party poppers on the countdown from NL and having Isabelle out on New Years Day to give the item and have the cardboard cutout to use.

At first I was trying to figure out the best place to stand to see the fireworks properly since RS gets in the way so I'm glad they thought of this.
I thought it wasn't much of an event, there really wasn't much to do, but it was still super fun. I got together with a bunch of friends and we rang in the new year together in the game. I think that's what made it fun, really! My resident services is blocked by my huge entrance area so it was a treat to be able to see fireworks properly!
I didn't know that they literally saved the best music in this game for New Years Day.

The day after of NY aka January 1st has also great music! But absolutely feel you there, i wish we had such great tuns all year long, not exactly line NY, but just as calm and the same vibes
I absolutely loved it! The event itself was simple, but the different aspects all came together perfectly. The music was adorable, --possibly my favourite tracks!--and it was wonderful to count down with my S/O and friend and villagers. Really loved how the camera automatically panned and locked when we were in the plaza during the last minute. The fireworks were gorgeous, too! I've never been one to really celebrate (or care) about the New Year's countdown, but I just loved how wholesome this celebration was.

I suppose there is a limit to how many villagers can be in the plaza at one time though. However, if you visited the villagers who stayed in their houses, they would still bounce around, singing gleefully, so that was cute. :3
Much, MUCH better than the Toy Day event, but I generally hate that three villagers are stuck in their homes at all times and it was especially noticeable here. Wish we could celebrate with ALL our friends.

Same! I had to go into their houses and do a little celebration for them as well. It’s cute that they are singing and dancing, but it’s actually really sad if you visit a friend’s island or have a friend over for the event... the online play forces them to just stand there 😔
It's cute and exciting, just like every New Year's event has been since the Gamecube days ^.^ I love how your villagers are all dressed up for the celebration, waving their little light sticks, singing and skipping about, and especially Rod in his tiny hat and suit looking all dapper! 🥰💖
I was really impressed. I have done the new year celebration in new leaf for several years now with my boyfriend; it’s become a tradition for us. Since we are on lockdown this was our only party, and it did not disappoint! Everything looked beautiful. I loved the the music and the way that the villagers were all dressed up and dancing around and partying and mingling. It felt like a real party. I loved it. We both got our characters dressed up for the occasion and really just enjoyed ourselves while we sipped drinks in real life and we even had party poppers, party hats, and glow sticks in real life to to go with the game because we are total dorks, haha. The most exciting part aside from the countdown to the fireworks was the fact that Isabelle was wearing SHOES, which is a shocker for a town full of animals that never wear shoes but constantly ask me about them. So that was kind of a curious surprise, lol.
While there wasn't much to do, it had the charm and warmth of a small community celebration that got more lively as the night went on. Everyone was dressed up, the music was fitting, and it was great to see the plaza busy and lit up with glow sticks and poppers in-hand. Wonderful place to ring in the new year. :) I appreciated the adjusted camera angle for screenshots of the plaza/fireworks as well.

As others mentioned, it would have been nice to see everyone joining in, but I don't blame a few for choosing to celebrate away from the crowd - I'm not usually one for parties either!
It was really basic but it was SO SO cute!! I loved it so much. I stayed home by myself this year so it was something nice to look forward to!
The day after of NY aka January 1st has also great music! But absolutely feel you there, i wish we had such great tuns all year long, not exactly line NY, but just as calm and the same vibes

YESS! I love the music that actually plays after the event, it's sooo good. Honestly, I'm one of the people who really love ACNH's OST as a whole, it's the jazz vibe that gets me, but the New Years music really brought it up several notches. I'm really glad I didn't TT to it, it came as such a pleasant surprise.
I honestly loved it, had it on the TV in the background for the last hour of 2020 ~ The dialogue shifting over time and cute outfits/mini lightsabers were adorable!
(I just felt so bad for the 3 villagers celebrating alone in their separate homes 😭 Sherb was dressed up so smart and just. Alone. My poor baby.)